The National Coastal Mission Scheme (NCM) under the National Coastal Management Program is designed to address various aspects of coastal management and conservation. The scheme includes the following components:
Components of NCM
- Management Action Plan on Conservation of Mangroves and Coral Reefs
- Focuses on the conservation and protection of mangroves and coral reefs.
- Research & Development in Marine and Coastal Ecosystem
- Encourages research and development activities to understand and preserve marine and coastal ecosystems.
- Sustainable Development of Beaches
- Conducted under the Beach Environment & Aesthetic Management Service (BEAMS) for the sustainable development and maintenance of beaches.
- Capacity Building / Outreach Programme
- Targets Coastal States/UTs to enhance their capabilities in conserving marine and coastal ecosystems, including organizing beach cleaning drives.
Implementing Agencies
- The NCM is implemented by the State Governments of Coastal States and Union Territory (UT) Administrations.
- Funds are allocated to these coastal States/Union Territories based on the review of proposals submitted to the Ministry.
Financial Support
- From 2018-19 to 2023-24, a total of ₹7.94 crore has been released under the Externally Aided Programme (EAP) and non-EAP components for Andhra Pradesh. This funding supports infrastructure development, pollution abatement, safety surveillance, and beach cleaning.
Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project (ICZMP)
- The Government of India, through the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), has implemented the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project (ICZMP).
- The ICZMP has contributed to various activities including:
- Mapping of hazard lines.
- Identifying eco-sensitive areas.
- Delineating sediment cells along the entire coastline of India, including Andhra Pradesh.
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):
- What is one of the key components of the National Coastal Mission Scheme (NCM)?
- A. Development of inland water transport
- B. Conservation of mangroves and coral reefs
- C. Construction of coastal highways
- D. Establishment of new ports
- Answer: B. Conservation of mangroves and coral reefs
- Which service is associated with the sustainable development of beaches under the NCM?
- A. Marine Infrastructure Service
- B. Coastal Protection Service
- C. Beach Environment & Aesthetic Management Service
- D. Shoreline Development Service
- Answer: C. Beach Environment & Aesthetic Management Service
- Who are the implementing agencies of the National Coastal Mission Scheme (NCM)?
- A. Private companies
- B. State Governments of Coastal States and Union Territory Administrations
- C. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
- D. International environmental bodies
- Answer: B. State Governments of Coastal States and Union Territory Administrations
- How much funding has been released for Andhra Pradesh from 2018-19 to 2023-24 under the NCM?
- A. ₹5.60 crore
- B. ₹6.72 crore
- C. ₹7.94 crore
- D. ₹8.50 crore
- Answer: C. ₹7.94 crore
- What project has contributed to the mapping of hazard lines along the coastline of India?
- A. Coastal Safety Project
- B. Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project (ICZMP)
- C. National Marine Conservation Project
- D. Coastal Infrastructure Development Project
- Answer: B. Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project (ICZMP)