In a heartwarming recognition of her extraordinary dedication to environmental preservation, Moksha Roy, a seven-year-old of Indian heritage, has been bestowed with the prestigious British Prime Minister’s Points of Light award. Her inspiring journey as an environmental advocate commenced at the tender age of three when she volunteered for a United Nations sustainability initiative aimed at combating the menace of microplastic pollution.
Since her early involvement in sustainability efforts, Moksha has been actively engaged in various campaigns that promote sustainable practices. Notably, she has raised funds to support underprivileged children and played a pivotal role in fostering awareness about the UN Sustainable Development Goals within schools. Her efforts have even extended to communicating with world leaders, urging them to lend their support to environmental causes. Moksha’s passion, determination, and accomplishments serve as an exemplary model for individuals of all ages.
The Points of Light awards stand as a testament to recognizing exceptional individuals whose selfless service brings positive change to their communities and beyond. This national honor, initiated in 2010 by the former Prime Minister, aims to inspire others with innovative solutions to address social challenges through volunteerism.
The award encompasses a diverse array of recipients, spanning from young children like Moksha to seasoned citizens, united by their significant contributions to community welfare through volunteer work. Nominations for the Points of Light award remain open year-round and can be made by anyone eager to celebrate the invaluable efforts of changemakers.
Each deserving honoree is presented with a certificate and a framed copy of their Points of Light award during a prestigious ceremony held at Downing Street. Such recognition serves not only as a celebration of volunteers’ remarkable work within their communities but also as a beacon of inspiration, motivating others to embark on their journey of making a positive impact on the world through volunteering.