29th Session of International Seabed Authority Council Commences in Kingston

29th Session of International Seabed Authority Council Commences in Kingston

The 29th session of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) Council commenced on March 18, 2024, in Kingston, Jamaica. This session aimed at advancing discussions on draft exploitation regulations for mineral resources in the international seabed area over two weeks, concluding on March 29, 2024.

Welcoming Address by the Secretary-General

H.E. Mr. Michael W. Lodge, the Secretary-General of ISA, expressed gratitude and optimism for the proceedings in his welcoming address. He acknowledged the participation of numerous delegations and their readiness to collaborate positively.

Progress and Momentum

Mr. Lodge praised the progress made during the Council’s November 2023 meetings and commended the continued momentum through intersessional work. He recognized the efforts of facilitators and coordinators in driving swift progress towards the common goal of adopting the regulations.

Importance of Regulations

The Secretary-General emphasized the significance of adopting the regulations as a legal obligation under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. He highlighted it as an urgent matter on the Council’s agenda, reflecting the shared commitment of all negotiating parties.

Agenda Adoption

Members of the Council adopted the agenda, prioritizing negotiations on draft exploitation regulations. Other items on the agenda included discussions on various topics such as the election of officials, reports on incidents, cooperation agreements, and memorandums of understanding.

Election of Vice Presidents

During the opening day, representatives from Uganda and India were elected as Vice Presidents representing the African Group and Asia and the Pacific Group, respectively. Canada will hold the seat for the Western European and Others Group until a new member is elected. H.E. Juan José González Mijares, Permanent Representative of Mexico to ISA, will continue to chair the discussions until a new President is elected.

About the International Seabed Authority (ISA)

ISA is an autonomous international organization mandated by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. It is tasked with protecting the seabed for the shared benefit of humankind. ISA is committed to promoting responsible, sustainable, and regulated economic activities in the deep seabed, including deep seabed mining. It emphasizes the involvement of all nations and stakeholders in discussions around the sustainable development of the deep seabed.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. When did the 29th session of the International Seabed Authority Council commence?
    • A) November 18, 2023
    • B) March 29, 2024
    • C) March 18, 2024
    • D) November 29, 2024
    • Answer: C) March 18, 2024
  2. Who is the Secretary-General of the International Seabed Authority (ISA)?
    • A) Mr. Michael W. Lodge
    • B) H.E. Juan José González Mijares
    • C) Ms. Gómez Ballesteros
    • D) H.E. Mr. Michael W. Lodge
    • Answer: A) Mr. Michael W. Lodge
  3. What is the main focus of the 29th session of the ISA Council?
    • A) Adoption of new regulations for deep-sea fishing
    • B) Negotiations on draft exploitation regulations for mineral resources in the international seabed area
    • C) Election of new presidents for ISA
    • D) Cooperation with the International Maritime Organization (IMO)
    • Answer: B) Negotiations on draft exploitation regulations for mineral resources in the international seabed area
  4. Which country’s representative was elected as Vice President for the Western European and Others Group?
    • A) Canada
    • B) Uganda
    • C) India
    • D) Mexico
    • Answer: A) Canada
  5. What is the primary goal of the International Seabed Authority (ISA)?
    • A) To exploit mineral resources without regulation
    • B) To protect the seabed for the exclusive benefit of developed nations
    • C) To ensure responsible, sustainable, and regulated economic activities in the deep seabed
    • D) To ignore the concerns of developing nations in discussions about deep-sea development
    • Answer: C) To ensure responsible, sustainable, and regulated economic activities in the deep seabed