Union Sports Minister Anurag Thakur launched the mascot ‘Dhakad’ along with official logo and official jersey of the Fourth Khelo India Youth Games at Panchkula on 7th May.
Haryana will host the fourth edition of the Khelo India Youth Games from June 4 to June 13 at Panchkula and other cities.
The fourth edition of Khelo India Youth Games will see more than 8,500 participating players.
While there were two traditional games included in KIUG, five traditional games like gatka, thang-ta, kalarippayattu, mallakhamb and yogasana have been introduced in Khelo India Youth Games. Apart from these, players will showcase their talent in 20 sports disciplines.
The games were earlier scheduled to happen in October-November last year before they were postponed to February this year owing to the Covid-19 pandemic. The games, which are to be held in 25 sports disciplines including five indigenous disciplines, will be held in Shahbad, Ambala, Chandigarh, Panchkula and Delhi.