AMRIT Technology Cleans Water at Home and Community Level

AMRIT Technology Cleans Water at Home and Community Level

Millions of Indians in rural areas are quenching their thirst with clean tap water thanks to the Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM). Launched in 2019, this ambitious government initiative has achieved remarkable progress, providing tap connections to 10.53 crore additional households. That’s a staggering 71.51% of rural homes now enjoying convenient and safe drinking water, compared to just 16.8% when JJM began.

State-led Solutions for Quality Concerns:

Drinking water management is a state responsibility, and JJM empowers states to choose technologies for addressing water quality issues. The Indian Institute of Technology Madras, for instance, developed the “AMRIT” technology to remove harmful arsenic and metals. This innovation, available for both homes and communities, has been lauded by experts.

Temporary Measures Until Permanent Fix:

For habitations with water quality problems like arsenic, JJM prioritizes providing short-term solutions like Community Water Purification Plants (CWPPs) until permanent piped water systems from safe sources are established. As of December 2023, all 378 arsenic-affected villages have been equipped with CWPPs for drinking and cooking needs.

The Future of Clean Water Access:

JJM’s success is a testament to collaborative efforts between the central government, states, and academic institutions. With continued dedication, the mission aims to achieve its goal of providing “Har Ghar Jal” (tap water for every household) by 2024, transforming the lives of millions in rural India.