Archaeologists Unearth 4000-Year-Old Circular Monument on Crete

Archaeologists Unearth 4000-Year-Old Circular Monument on Crete

During excavations for an airport on Greece’s largest island of Crete, archaeologists unearthed a significant circular monument dating back 4000 years.

Description of the Monument

Resembling a huge car wheel from above, the ruins of the labyrinthine, 1,800-square-meter (19,000-square-foot) building came to light during a recent dig by archaeologists.

The Minoan Civilization

The circular monument structure dates back to the Bronze Age Minoan Civilization, which thrived on Crete from 3000 BC to 1450 BC. Named after the mythological king Minos, the Minoans were renowned for their advancements in seafaring, trade, and the arts.

Purpose and Usage

The purpose of the structure remains unknown, but it was mainly used between 2000-1700 B.C., around the time Crete’s first palaces were being built. Some features resemble early Minoan beehive tombs, suggesting a possible ceremonial or religious function.

Architectural Features

The inner structure, potentially with a shallow conical roof, was divided into smaller, interconnecting spaces and surrounded by eight stepped stone walls. Its size and architectural complexity indicate significant labor, specialized know-how, and a robust central administration.

Preservation Efforts

Despite conflicts of interest with the construction of the airport radar station, Culture Minister Lina Mendoni pledged to preserve the site while seeking an alternative location for the radar station.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. When was the circular monument on Crete discovered?
    • A) 1000 years ago
    • B) 2000 years ago
    • C) 3000 years ago
    • D) 4000 years ago
    • Answer: D) 4000 years ago
  2. What civilization does the circular monument belong to?
    • A) Roman
    • B) Greek
    • C) Minoan
    • D) Egyptian
    • Answer: C) Minoan
  3. What is the suggested purpose of the circular monument?
    • A) Residential
    • B) Military
    • C) Ceremonial or religious
    • D) Agricultural
    • Answer: C) Ceremonial or religious
  4. What architectural feature did the circular monument possess?
    • A) Square shape
    • B) Eight stepped stone walls
    • C) Triangular roof
    • D) None of the above
    • Answer: B) Eight stepped stone walls
  5. How does the circular monument relate to the construction of the airport radar station?
    • A) It was built as part of the radar station.
    • B) It is unaffected by the radar station construction.
    • C) Preservation efforts are being made despite conflicts of interest.
    • D) The radar station construction caused its destruction.
    • Answer: C) Preservation efforts are being made despite conflicts of interest.