Australian Federal Budget Introduces Mobility Arrangement for Talented Early-professionals Scheme (MATES) for Indian Nationals

Australian Federal Budget Introduces Mobility Arrangement for Talented Early-professionals Scheme (MATES) for Indian Nationals

The Mobility Arrangement for Talented Early-professionals Scheme (MATES) for Indian Nationals is a new initiative announced in the Australian Federal Budget Document, with the aim of creating a mobility pathway for Indian graduates and early-career professionals to live and work in Australia.

Start Date and Number of Participants

  • The MATES Migration Scheme will commence on November 1.
  • It offers a new mobility pathway for 3,000 Indian graduates and early-career professionals.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Age requirement: Applicants must be aged 18 to 30 at the time of application.
  • Previous participation: Applicants must not have participated in the MATES programme before.
  • English proficiency: Minimum IELTS score of 6 overall and 5 for each language component.
  • Educational background: Graduation from an eligible institution within the previous two years, with a Bachelor’s degree or higher in specific fields.

Sponsorship Requirement

  • No sponsorship by an Australian employer is needed to qualify for a visa under the MATES program.

Duration and Work Opportunities

  • Visa duration: Participants can reside and work in Australia for up to two years.
  • Field of work: While not compulsory, the program aims to assist young professionals in broadening their skill sets and networks within specified sectors.
  • Program cap: Initially, 3,000 places are offered per program year.

Dependent Applicants

  • Participants can apply to bring spouses and dependent children, who will have the right to work and won’t count towards the annual cap.

Visa Details and Extension

  • Entry and stay: Participants have 12 months for initial entry and can stay for up to 24 months.
  • Extension: Extension options available through other visas, but participation in MATES is limited to once.

Application Process and Costs

  • Application timeline: Applications open in late 2024.
  • Fees: Details regarding visa subclass, application fees, and additional fees for dependents will be provided later.
  • Applicant responsibilities: Covering costs including English language testing fees.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. When does the MATES Migration Scheme go into effect?
    • A) January 1
    • B) May 14
    • C) November 1
    • D) December 31
    • Answer: C) November 1
  2. What is the age requirement for applicants of the MATES program?
    • A) 25 to 35
    • B) 20 to 35
    • C) 18 to 30
    • D) 22 to 28
    • Answer: C) 18 to 30
  3. Which of the following is NOT a required field of study for eligibility under the MATES scheme?
    • A) Renewable energy
    • B) Engineering
    • C) Medicine
    • D) ICT
    • Answer: C) Medicine
  4. Are participants required to have sponsorship by an Australian employer to qualify for a visa under the MATES program?
    • A) Yes
    • B) No
    • C) It depends on the field of study
    • D) Only for certain age groups
    • Answer: B) No
  5. How long can participants stay in Australia under the MATES program?
    • A) Up to 6 months
    • B) Up to 12 months
    • C) Up to 24 months
    • D) Up to 36 months
    • Answer: C) Up to 24 months