Bank Employees Launch Bank Clinic for Customer Complaint Redressal

Bank Employees Launch Bank Clinic for Customer Complaint Redressal

Bank employees have collaborated to introduce Bank Clinic, a complaint redressal platform aimed at assisting retail customers in understanding their rights and potential remedies.

Functionality of

  • Registration of Complaints: Customers can register their complaints on the website
  • Regulatory Guidelines: Within five days, customers will be informed about relevant regulatory guidelines concerning their complaint.
  • Guidance on Remedies: While not directly resolving queries, the platform will offer guidance on available remedies.

Initiative by All India Bank Employees’ Association (AIBEA)

The Bank Clinic initiative is spearheaded by AIBEA to aid customers in addressing grievances amidst technological advancements and evolving RBI guidelines on retail banking.

Process for Customers

  • Complaint Submission: Customers provide complaint details and create a ticket.
  • Response Time: They receive a reply within five working days, outlining available remedies and relevant RBI guidelines.

Statements from Key Figures

  • CH Venkatachalam, General Secretary, AIBEA: Emphasized the role of Bank Clinic as a facilitator in guiding customers through their problems.
  • Rajkiran Rai, CEO of NaBFID: Highlighted the evolution of bank employees’ stance on technology and the significance of Bank Clinic in addressing diverse customer needs.
  • MV Rao, CEO of Central Bank of India: Expressed satisfaction with the initiative, highlighting the shift towards shared responsibility in addressing customer complaints.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. Who initiated the Bank Clinic complaint redressal platform?
    • A) Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
    • B) Indian Banking Association (IBA)
    • C) All India Bank Employees’ Association (AIBEA)
    • D) National Bank of Financing Infrastructure Development (NaBFID)
    • Answer: C) All India Bank Employees’ Association (AIBEA)
  2. What is the primary function of
    • A) Directly resolving customer complaints
    • B) Providing regulatory guidelines
    • C) Offering financial services
    • D) Conducting market research
    • Answer: B) Providing regulatory guidelines
  3. How long does it take for customers to receive a response on their complaints via Bank Clinic?
    • A) 24 hours
    • B) 48 hours
    • C) 3 days
    • D) 5 days
    • Answer: D) 5 days
  4. Who described Bank Clinic as a facilitator rather than a problem solver?
    • A) Rajkiran Rai
    • B) CH Venkatachalam
    • C) MV Rao
    • D) None of the above
    • Answer: B) CH Venkatachalam
  5. According to Rajkiran Rai, what makes handling the digital journey customers challenging?
    • A) Their reliance on physical branches
    • B) Their reluctance to file complaints
    • C) Their preference for mobile and net banking platforms
    • D) Their lack of awareness about regulatory guidelines
    • Answer: C) Their preference for mobile and net banking platforms