Cabinet Approves eCourts Phase III Project Extension for Four More Years

Cabinet Approves eCourts Phase III Project Extension for Four More Years
Cabinet Approves eCourts Phase III Project Extension for Four More Years

In a move aimed at advancing India’s digital transformation journey in the realm of justice delivery, the Cabinet has given its nod to extend the eCourts Phase III project for an additional four years. The project, which was initially launched in 2015, has been instrumental in leveraging technology to modernize and streamline various aspects of the country’s judicial processes.

The eCourts Phase III project, an initiative under the “Digital India” campaign, is designed to improve the functioning of the Indian judiciary by integrating technology into its operations. It focuses on enhancing accessibility to justice, reducing case pendency, and promoting transparency in legal proceedings. This project has already made significant strides in its earlier phases, and the decision to extend it underscores the government’s commitment to furthering these advancements.

Some key objectives of the extended eCourts Phase III project include:

  1. Expansion of e-Courts: The project aims to expand the reach of e-Courts to more districts and courts across the country, ensuring that a larger portion of the population can benefit from digital legal services.
  2. Enhanced Case Management: It seeks to improve case management through the digitization of case records, enabling judges, lawyers, and litigants to access case-related information swiftly and efficiently.
  3. Digital Infrastructure: The project will continue to strengthen the digital infrastructure in courts, including the provision of e-filing facilities, video conferencing, and e-payment of court fees.
  4. Accessibility: Special attention will be given to making the justice system more accessible to persons with disabilities, ensuring that their needs are catered to through assistive technologies.
  5. Training and Capacity Building: To ensure the effective implementation of the project, training and capacity-building programs will be conducted for judicial officers and court staff.

The extension of the eCourts Phase III project is expected to have a profound impact on the Indian legal landscape, promoting efficiency, reducing delays, and fostering greater transparency in the justice system. This decision reaffirms the government’s commitment to harnessing technology for the betterment of society and ensuring that justice is accessible to all.