Celebrating Geographic Indication Tags for Rajouri Chikri Wood Craft and Mushqbudji Rice in Jammu & Kashmir

Celebrating Geographic Indication Tags for Rajouri Chikri Wood Craft and Mushqbudji Rice in Jammu & Kashmir
Celebrating Geographic Indication Tags for Rajouri Chikri Wood Craft and Mushqbudji Rice in Jammu & Kashmir

In a remarkable tribute to the mastery of local craftsmanship and agricultural legacy, the Geographical Indication (GI) Tags have been conferred upon Rajouri Chikri Wood Craft from the Rajouri district and the prized Mushqbudji Rice variety from the Anantnag district in a nod to their exceptional qualities and deeply-rooted origins. This achievement stands as a product of the harmonious collaboration between NABARD, the Department of Handicrafts & Handloom, and the Department of Agriculture, a journey that began in December 2020.

Emerging from the picturesque landscapes of Kashmir, particularly the Anantnag district, Mushqbudji Rice commands attention as a superior aromatic short bold rice variety. Upon cooking, this rice presents an enchanting amalgamation of flavor, fragrance, and sensory characteristics that are genuinely unparalleled. With dedicated efforts underway to expand its cultivation into Budgam and Kulgam districts, the Agriculture Department Kashmir is diligently orchestrating the revival and propagation of the Mushqbudji rice tradition.

Nestled amidst the rolling hills of Jammu province’s Rajouri district, the exquisite Chikri Wood Craft stands as a living testament to intricate artistry. Celebrated for its soft, honey-colored wood, Chikri comes to life through meticulous carving and intricate detailing. The GI tag serves as an endorsement of the distinctive essence carried by this craft, eloquently reflecting the profound heritage and consummate skills of the region.

The attainment of the GI tag for these esteemed products marks the pinnacle of an exacting legal process. A Geographical Indication serves as an intellectual property designation that signifies products hailing from specific geographical locales, distinguished by attributes and qualities deeply interwoven with that particular region.

Yet, this journey is not a culmination but rather a commencement. The Jammu and Kashmir Agriculture Production Department has set forth an ambitious agenda to secure GI Tags for an impressive roster of 24 crops and products, an eloquent testimony to the unwavering commitment of the region in safeguarding its unique heritage and cultural treasures.

The recognition accorded to Rajouri Chikri Wood Craft and Mushqbudji Rice through the prestigious GI Tags casts a radiant spotlight on the exceptional contributions of these regions to the global tapestry. It reaffirms the significance of local traditions, artistry, and agriculture, all intricately woven into the very fabric of the region’s culture. As these extraordinary products rightfully claim their spot on the global stage, they persist in narrating stories of heritage, proficiency, and individuality.