Celebrating International Translation Day: Bridging Cultures and Fostering Global Understanding

Celebrating International Translation Day: Bridging Cultures and Fostering Global Understanding
Celebrating International Translation Day: Bridging Cultures and Fostering Global Understanding

International Translation Day, celebrated each year on the 30th of September, serves as a global acknowledgment of the indispensable role played by translators and language professionals. These dedicated individuals are the backbone of cross-cultural communication, contributing significantly to global progress and the promotion of international harmony.

The inception of International Translation Day dates back to 1991 when it was established by the International Federation of Translators (FIT). FIT, an organization uniting translators, interpreters, and terminologists from around the world, was founded in 1953. The primary purpose of this special day is to foster unity within the international translation community and to raise awareness about the vital profession of translation.

The choice of September 30 for International Translation Day is laden with symbolism. This date coincides with the feast day of St. Jerome, a revered figure in the realm of translation studies and the patron saint of translators. St. Jerome, a Christian scholar and priest, is renowned for his monumental task of translating a significant portion of the Bible from its original Hebrew into Latin. His groundbreaking work made the Bible more accessible to a broader readership, establishing the foundations of translation as a profession.

St. Jerome’s remarkable linguistic prowess is evident in his fluency in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. Born in North-eastern Italy and of Illyrian descent, he initially acquired Latin in school and continued to refine his linguistic skills through dedicated studies and extensive travels. His translation work extended beyond the Bible, encompassing portions of the Hebrew Gospel translated into Greek. St. Jerome’s unwavering commitment to making sacred texts comprehensible to a wider audience stands as a testament to the transformative power of translation.

In an era of increasing globalization, the role of translators has assumed heightened significance. These language professionals contribute to fostering constructive public discourse, facilitating interpersonal communication, and nurturing mutual understanding between diverse cultures. Through their efforts, translators transmute literary, scientific, and technical content across languages, thereby fostering progress and cooperation on a global scale.

Translators and language professionals play an instrumental role in ensuring effective communication between nations. Their expertise in translation, interpretation, and terminology serves as a bridge across linguistic barriers, fostering diplomacy and facilitating collaboration on international matters.

The United Nations, one of the world’s largest employers of language professionals, heavily relies on their skills to handle a wide spectrum of documents and communications. From Member States’ official statements to reports from expert bodies, UN translators ensure that information is accessible in multiple languages, including Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. This multilingual approach promotes transparency and inclusivity in global affairs.

In a world that continues to move toward greater interconnectedness, the significance of translators and language professionals remains irreplaceable in promoting effective communication, mutual respect, and cooperation among diverse cultures and nations. International Translation Day stands as a fitting tribute to their indispensable contributions to our global community.