Aiming to tackle the pressing water crisis gripping Chennai, Chief Minister M K Stalin of Tamil Nadu has inaugurated the cornerstone of a monumental project – one that is poised to establish the largest water desalination facility in South East Asia. Spearheaded by Chennai-based Indian Multinational Group VA Tech Wabag, a renowned pure-play water technology company, this endeavor is poised to revolutionize the region’s water supply and elevate Chennai’s stature as a model for water sustainability.
With a substantial investment of Rs 4,400 crore, the initiative carries the potential to mitigate Chennai’s persistent water scarcity issues, consequently bolstering its position as a water-sustainable urban hub. The fundamental objective of this project is to develop a Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) desalination plant, boasting an impressive capacity of producing 400 million liters per day (MLD) of potable water. Financial support for this endeavor is being generously extended by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), underscoring a collaborative effort to address a critical regional concern.
This undertaking is not only expected to enhance Chennai’s water security by establishing a dependable source of clean water through desalination but also holds the potential to bestow upon the city the esteemed title of the “Desalination Capital of India.” The cumulative output of desalinated water along the Chennai coastline is projected to reach an astonishing 750 MLD, a noteworthy feat that could potentially reshape the city’s water dynamics.
At the core of this groundbreaking initiative lies an innovative desalination process that leverages cutting-edge technologies. This method incorporates crucial elements such as lamella clarifiers, a dissolved air flotation system, dual media filters employing gravity, reverse osmosis, and re-mineralization. This intricate configuration is poised to yield an impressive daily output of 400 million liters of premium quality drinkable water. Subsequently, the treated water will be distributed to the residents of South Chennai through the Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (CMWSSB).
Heading this transformative endeavor is Rajiv Mittal, the Chairman and Managing Director of VA Tech Wabag, a visionary leader committed to addressing Chennai’s water challenges and steering the city towards a sustainable future.