China Successfully Launches Queqiao-2 Satellite for Lunar Communication

China Successfully Launches Queqiao-2 Satellite for Lunar Communication

The China National Space Administration (CNSA) recently declared the successful launch of Queqiao-2, a pivotal signal relay satellite. This satellite marks a significant advancement in China’s lunar exploration missions, enabling communication between ground operations and lunar probes, particularly those exploring the far side of the moon.

Key Information

  • Launch Details: Queqiao-2, accompanied by two miniature satellites, Tiandu-1 and Tiandu-2, was launched on March 20.
  • Purpose: Queqiao-2 serves as a communication bridge for future lunar probe missions until at least 2030.
  • Operational Significance: With the moon’s far side perpetually facing away from Earth, direct communication is hindered. Queqiao-2 resolves this issue by relaying signals between the lunar surface and Earth-based operations.
  • Functionality: Described as the “main switch” of lunar missions, Queqiao-2 orchestrates communication between ground control and lunar probes.
  • Upcoming Missions: Queqiao-2 will support the Chang’e-6, Chang’e-7, and Chang’e-8 lunar missions, facilitating sample retrieval and exploration.
  • Performance: The satellite has met mission requirements, ensuring effective relay communication for current and future lunar exploration endeavors.
  • Achievements: Queqiao-2 has successfully established communication with existing lunar probes, including Chang’e 4, which landed on the far side of the moon.

Operational Details

  • Orbital Maneuver: Queqiao-2 entered its designated elliptical orbit on April 2, following mid-course corrections and orbital adjustments around the moon.
  • Communications: The satellite has established communication with Chang’e 4 and Chang’e-6, enhancing the operational efficiency of current lunar missions.
  • Comparison: The success of Queqiao-2 contrasts with the failed launch of the DRO-A/B satellites, highlighting the challenges and successes in lunar exploration.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What is the primary purpose of the Queqiao-2 satellite?
    • A) Conducting lunar surface exploration
    • B) Establishing communication between ground operations and lunar probes
    • C) Mapping the lunar far side
    • D) Monitoring lunar environmental conditions
    • Answer: B) Establishing communication between ground operations and lunar probes
  2. Which upcoming lunar mission will Queqiao-2 support in sample retrieval from the moon’s hidden side?
    • A) Chang’e-5
    • B) Chang’e-6
    • C) Chang’e-7
    • D) Chang’e-8
    • Answer: B) Chang’e-6
  3. What role does Queqiao-2 play in China’s lunar exploration missions?
    • A) Navigation assistance for lunar landers
    • B) Solar energy generation on the moon
    • C) Relay platform for communication between Earth and lunar probes
    • D) Geological analysis of lunar samples
    • Answer: C) Relay platform for communication between Earth and lunar probes