Dedicated Fund Established to Save Endangered Purple Frog Species in the Western Ghats

Dedicated Fund Established to Save Endangered Purple Frog Species in the Western Ghats

In response to the declining population of the Purple Frog species, conservationists have initiated efforts to establish a dedicated fund aimed at protecting these unique amphibians native to the Western Ghats of India.

Importance of the Purple Frog

The Purple Frog, scientifically known as Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis, is recognized internationally for its distinct appearance and ancient lineage, earning it the title of a ‘living fossil’. It inhabits the Western Ghats, a global biodiversity hotspot, making it a crucial species in the ecosystem.

Threats to the Purple Frog

Habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change have led to a steady decline in the population of the Purple Frog. With only an estimated low thousands remaining, urgent action is required to prevent its extinction.

Conservation Efforts

  1. Establishment of Dedicated Fund: A fund has been established to support various conservation efforts aimed at protecting the Purple Frog.
  2. Research Initiatives: The fund will support research initiatives focused on understanding the species and its habitat requirements better.
  3. Habitat Restoration Projects: Efforts will be made to restore and conserve the natural habitat of the Purple Frog.
  4. Community Outreach Programs: Awareness programs will be conducted to educate local communities about the importance of preserving the Purple Frog’s habitat.
  5. Collaborations: Collaborations with local communities and government agencies will be established to implement sustainable conservation strategies.

Hope for the Future

Despite the significant challenges, conservationists remain hopeful that concerted efforts, along with public support and governmental cooperation, can lead to the preservation of the Purple Frog species. Every action, regardless of its scale, contributes to the overarching goal of ensuring the long-term survival of this unique amphibian.

Significance of the Initiative

The initiative to save the Purple Frog serves as a beacon of hope amidst the global loss of biodiversity. It underscores the importance of proactive conservation measures in safeguarding our planet’s precious natural heritage.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers:

  1. What is the Purple Frog also known as?
    • A) Lavender Toad
    • B) Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis
    • C) Emerald Salamander
    • D) Living Fossil
    • Answer: D) Living Fossil
  2. Where is the natural habitat of the Purple Frog located?
    • A) Amazon Rainforest
    • B) Sahara Desert
    • C) Western Ghats of India
    • D) Rocky Mountains
    • Answer: C) Western Ghats of India
  3. What are the primary threats to the Purple Frog species?
    • A) Overhunting and predation
    • B) Climate change and habitat destruction
    • C) Urbanization and noise pollution
    • D) Agricultural pesticides and fertilizers
    • Answer: B) Climate change and habitat destruction
  4. What is the main objective of the newly established fund?
    • A) To promote tourism in the Western Ghats
    • B) To fund research initiatives and conservation efforts for the Purple Frog
    • C) To establish a breeding program for the Purple Frog
    • D) To construct a theme park dedicated to the Purple Frog
    • Answer: B) To fund research initiatives and conservation efforts for the Purple Frog
  5. What does Dr. Priya Sharma emphasize regarding the conservation efforts?
    • A) The importance of governmental funding
    • B) The need for international collaboration
    • C) The significance of every action in ensuring the species’ survival
    • D) The urgency of relocating Purple Frogs to other habitats
    • Answer: C) The significance of every action in ensuring the species’ survival