Delhi government launched mobile app – Dekho Meri Dilli. The mobile app can now be used to book a visit to Mughal Garden and other major tourist spots. The app will provide users with a link to the Mughal Garden ticketing site and help them with details such as how to reach the area and what facilities are available nearby.
The app was launched by chief minister Arvind Kejriwal on September 27 last year. ‘Dekho Meri Dilli’ recently added details of the biodiversity parks developed and maintained by Delhi Development Authority and the Bharat Darshan Park developed by South Delhi Municipal Corporation to give users a holistic experience of Delhi.
The app offers unique ways to discover Delhi, including helping tourists plan a city tour from half a day to six days. It also provides directions to a tourist attraction via Google Maps, its operational days and timings and even lists nearest public and paid toilet facilities.