Delhi Lieutenant Governor launches SAH-BHAGITA scheme

Delhi Lieutenant Governor launches SAH-BHAGITA scheme

Delhi Lieutenant Governor (L-G) VK Saxena announced significant changes in the property tax policy of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) after its unification.

The L-G also launched a SAH-BHAGITA scheme to increase the involvement of the Residential Welfare Association (RWAs) in optimal tax collection and waste management systems.

Under this scheme, the RWAs will be incentivised for their efforts to improve efficiency and compliance in tax collection. The RWAs, on achieving 90% tax collection from the total number of properties in their societies, can recommend development work to the tune of 10% of the tax collection subject to a ceiling of Rs 1 lakh in their areas.

In addition to this, an added incentive of 5% of the tax paid shall be available if the colony concerned implements 100% waste segregation at source, compositing of the wet waste in the colony, re-cycles dry waste and hands over the remaining to the MCD or its authorized agencies.

It is hoped that the initiative would increase citizen’s participation in society’s welfare. The policy would encourage citizens to participate in working towards solid waste management.