In a momentous event held in Gandhinagar, President Droupadi Murmu unveiled the National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA), a pioneering project known as the Digital House in the Gujarat legislative assembly. The distinguished gathering included the esteemed presence of Gujarat Governor Acharya Devvrat and Chief Minister Bhupendrabhai Patel. This ambitious endeavor draws inspiration from the visionary concept of ‘One Nation, One Application’ championed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and marks a significant stride toward ushering in a truly paperless era within the legislative process.
The National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA), an innovative Unicode-compliant software, has been meticulously developed by the Union Parliamentary Affairs Ministry. Its primary mission is to render all legislative work and data readily accessible online to both citizens and Assembly members. NeVA comprises a user-friendly website and a mobile application, providing simplified access to an array of critical documents, including question lists, business agendas, and comprehensive reports, among others.
Currently, 21 State legislatures have formally endorsed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to adopt and implement NeVA. Impressively, the project has received approvals for 17 legislatures, with dedicated funds allocated for its seamless implementation. Among these, nine legislatures have already transitioned into a fully digital and paperless mode, efficiently conducting their entire legislative business using the NeVA platform.
The transition toward a paperless legislative process carries significant environmental benefits as it drastically reduces paper consumption, contributing to sustainability efforts.
Key Advantages of NeVA:
- NeVA ensures that legislative information is easily accessible to both citizens and Assembly members, promoting transparency and accountability.
- The digital platform streamlines legislative proceedings, effectively reducing administrative bottlenecks and enhancing overall productivity.
- With reduced paper usage and streamlined processes, the government can achieve cost savings over time.
- NeVA provides real-time updates and notifications, ensuring that members are consistently informed about the latest developments.
- The software is fortified with robust security measures to safeguard sensitive legislative data.
The core philosophy behind NeVA perfectly aligns with Prime Minister Modi’s vision of ‘One Nation, One Application.’ This vision centers on prioritizing a ‘Cloud First’ and ‘Mobile First’ approach, with an unwavering focus on serving Members FIRST. Prime Minister Modi initially introduced the concept of a ‘One Nation, One Legislative Platform’ in November 2021, underscoring the imperative of seamless digital integration across the nation.