Discovery of Harappan-Era Settlement Near Dholavira Unveils India’s Ancient History

Discovery of Harappan-Era Settlement Near Dholavira Unveils India’s Ancient History

In the quest for gold, a surprising discovery of a Harappan-era fortified settlement was made near the World Heritage Site of Dholavira in Kutch, India.


  • Location: Lodrani, situated approximately 51km from Dholavira.
  • Initial Motivation: Local residents initiated a dig around five years ago fueled by the belief that the area harbored buried gold.


  • Lead Archaeologists: Ajay Yadav and Professor Damian Robinson from Oxford’s School of Archaeology.
  • Findings: The excavation revealed a Harappan-era fortified settlement, contrary to the locals’ expectations of gold.
  • Architectural Resemblance: Architectural details at the site closely resembled those of Dholavira.
  • Site Identification: Formally identified in January, the site was named Morodharo, signifying less salty and potable water in Gujarati.
  • Pottery Discoveries: Significant quantities of Harappan pottery similar to those found in Dholavira were unearthed.
  • Chronological Placement: The settlement is dated from the mature (2,600-1,900 BCE) to late (1,900-1,300 BCE) Harappan period.


  • Geographical Dependence: Both Dholavira and Morodharo were dependent on the sea, suggesting navigable waters despite the nearby desert.
  • Archaeological Recognition: Lodrani’s significance in India’s antiquity came to light after earlier unsuccessful attempts.


  • Preservation of History: The accidental discovery prevented a vital piece of India’s antiquity from remaining buried.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers:

  1. What was the initial motivation behind the excavation near Dholavira?
    • A) To study Harappan pottery
    • B) In search of buried gold
    • C) To explore architectural similarities
    • D) To conduct a geological survey
    • Answer: B) In search of buried gold
  2. Who were the lead archaeologists in the discovery of the Harappan-era settlement?
    • A) Local residents
    • B) J P Joshi
    • C) Ajay Yadav and Professor Damian Robinson
    • D) Archaeologists from Dholavira
    • Answer: C) Ajay Yadav and Professor Damian Robinson
  3. What was the name given to the newly discovered site?
    • A) Dholavira
    • B) Harappa
    • C) Morodharo
    • D) Lodrani
    • Answer: C) Morodharo
  4. What did the excavation at Morodharo reveal?
    • A) Buried gold
    • B) A medieval fortress
    • C) A Harappan-era fortified settlement
    • D) Modern artifacts
    • Answer: C) A Harappan-era fortified settlement
  5. What geographical feature was significant for both Dholavira and Morodharo?
    • A) Mountain range
    • B) Desert
    • C) River
    • D) Sea
    • Answer: D) Sea