Distinguished scientist Samir V Kamat appointed DRDO Chairman

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has appointed distinguished scientist, Dr Samir V Kamat, as chairman.

Kamat, who is Director General, Naval Systems & Materials (NS&M), will succeed G Satheesh Reddy. G Satheesh Reddy has been named as scientific adviser to Defence Minister Rajnath Singh.

The defence organisation is the research and development wing of the Ministry of Defence.

The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) has approved Kamat’s appointment from the date of his assumption of charge till he attains the age of 60 years.

He obtained B Tech. (Hons) in Metallurgical Engineering from IIT-Kharagpur in 1985 and PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from Ohio State University in 1988.

He joined DRDO at DMRL, Hyderabad, in 1989. He took over as the director of the lab in 2015. Kamat assumed charge as NS&M Director in 2017.


The Defence Research and Development Organisation is the premier agency under the Department of Defence Research and Development in Ministry of Defence of the Government of India, charged with the military’s research and development, headquartered in Delhi, India.

  • Headquarters: DRDO Bhavan, New Delhi
  • Founded: 1958