Economists Forecast Continued Low Inflation for Non-Fuel and Non-Food Items in India

Economists Forecast Continued Low Inflation for Non-Fuel and Non-Food Items in India

Economists predict that inflation in non-fuel and non-food items will likely stay low, approximately around 3% in the near future. This projection is attributed to several factors including weak rural demand, subdued housing inflation, and reduced pressure on input costs.

Core Inflation:

  • Definition: Core inflation refers to the change in the costs of goods and services excluding volatile items such as fuel and food.
  • Recent Data: In January, India’s core inflation hit a low of 3.5%, down from 3.8% in the previous month.
  • Trend: Core inflation has consistently remained below 4% for the second consecutive month.
  • Impact: This decline in core inflation contributes to an overall decrease in consumer inflation, which stood at 5.1%.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ):

  1. What is the main reason for the projected low inflation in non-fuel and non-food items?
    • A) Strong rural demand
    • B) High housing inflation
    • C) Weak rural demand, soft housing inflation, and lower input cost pressures
    • D) High input cost pressures
    Answer: C) Weak rural demand, soft housing inflation, and lower input cost pressures
  2. What does core inflation represent?
    • A) Inflation rate including volatile items
    • B) Change in costs of goods and services excluding volatile items
    • C) Inflation rate excluding fuel only
    • D) Change in costs of goods and services including fuel and food
    Answer: B) Change in costs of goods and services excluding volatile items
  3. What was India’s core inflation rate in January?
    • A) 4.2%
    • B) 3.5%
    • C) 6.1%
    • D) 3.8%
    Answer: B) 3.5%
  4. How long has core inflation remained below 4%?
    • A) One month
    • B) Two consecutive months
    • C) Three consecutive months
    • D) It has never been below 4%
    Answer: B) Two consecutive months
  5. What is the impact of declining core inflation on overall consumer inflation?
    • A) It increases consumer inflation
    • B) It has no impact on consumer inflation
    • C) It decreases consumer inflation
    • D) It makes consumer inflation volatile
    Answer: C) It decreases consumer inflation