FAO Report Highlights Slowing Deforestation but Growing Climate Change Threats to Global Forests

FAO Report Highlights Slowing Deforestation but Growing Climate Change Threats to Global Forests

A recent report by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, released on July 22, 2024, provides a mixed picture of the world’s forests. While deforestation rates have decreased globally, the escalating impacts of climate change continue to threaten these crucial ecosystems.

Deforestation Trends

  • Global Forest Cover: As of 2020, the world’s forests covered approximately 4.1 billion hectares, which is 31% of the land area.
  • Major Contributors: The Russian Federation, Brazil, Canada, the United States, and China account for 54% of the global forest area.
  • Regional Contributions: Ten other countries, including Australia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, Peru, and India, contribute about two-thirds of the global forest area.

Deforestation Rates

  • Historical Data: Between 1990 and 2020, around 420 million hectares of forest were converted to other land uses.
  • Rate Changes: Deforestation rates decreased from 15.8 million hectares per year (1990-2002) to 10.2 million hectares per year (2015-2020).
  • Regional Rates:
    • Africa: 4.41 million hectares
    • South America: 2.95 million hectares
    • Asia: 2.24 million hectares

Forest Expansion and Loss

  • Net Rate of Change: The global net rate of change in forest area was -4.7 million hectares per year (2010-2020), an improvement from previous decades.
  • Countries with Forest Gains: In 2020, ten countries, including China, Australia, and India, recorded annual increases in forest area.

Mangrove Forests

  • Global Mangrove Area: Recorded at 14.8 million hectares, with South and Southeast Asia contributing almost 44%.
  • Loss and Gain Trends: Gross mangrove loss decreased by 23% from 2000-2010 to 2010-2020. Despite this, natural expansion of mangroves surpassed the loss.

Impact of Climate Change and Wildfires

  • Fire Impact: About 340-370 million hectares of land are affected by annual fires. In 2023, fires affected approximately 383 million hectares.
  • Emission Statistics: Total fires in 2023 emitted 6,687 megatons of carbon dioxide, exceeding emissions from the European Union’s fossil fuel burning.
  • Example of Wildfires: In Canada, 6,868 fires in 2023 burned 14.6 million hectares of land.

Pests and Diseases

  • Forest Damage: Forests in China, Japan, and South Korea have suffered from pests like the pine wood nematode.
  • Economic Impact: In the United States, insects and diseases are estimated to cause losses exceeding 20% of the host tree basal area over 25 million hectares of forest land by 2027.

Challenges in Monitoring

  • Forest Degradation: Monitoring forest degradation and pest outbreaks is still in early stages.
  • Economic Quantification: Accurately quantifying the economic costs related to timber loss, tree replacement, and ecosystem services remains challenging.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What was the total global forest area as of 2020?
    • A) 3.5 billion hectares
    • B) 4.1 billion hectares
    • C) 4.5 billion hectares
    • D) 5.0 billion hectares
    Answer: B) 4.1 billion hectares
  2. Which region saw the highest deforestation rate between 2015 and 2020?
    • A) Africa
    • B) South America
    • C) Asia
    • D) North America
    Answer: B) South America
  3. How did the global net rate of change in forest area in 2010-2020 compare to previous decades?
    • A) It was higher than in the 1990-2000 and 2000-2010 periods.
    • B) It was lower than in the 1990-2000 and 2000-2010 periods.
    • C) It remained unchanged.
    • D) It was not measurable.
    Answer: B) It was lower than in the 1990-2000 and 2000-2010 periods.
  4. What percentage of the global mangrove area is contributed by South and Southeast Asia?
    • A) 30%
    • B) 44%
    • C) 50%
    • D) 60%
    Answer: B) 44%
  5. How many megatons of carbon dioxide were emitted globally from fires in 2023?
    • A) 4,000 megatons
    • B) 5,000 megatons
    • C) 6,687 megatons
    • D) 8,000 megatons
    Answer: C) 6,687 megatons
  6. Which pest significantly damaged pine forests in China, Japan, and South Korea?
    • A) Pine beetle
    • B) Pine wood nematode
    • C) Gypsy moth
    • D) Asian longhorned beetle
    Answer: B) Pine wood nematode
  7. What was the estimated forest area loss in Indonesia from 2021-2022 compared to the previous period?
    • A) 50% decrease
    • B) 60% decrease
    • C) 70% decrease
    • D) 90% decrease
    Answer: D) 90% decrease