Arun Kumar Sinha, a prominent figure who served as the Director of the Special Protection Group (SPG), has passed away at the age of 61 while receiving medical treatment at a Gurugram hospital, where he had been undergoing care for some time. Sinha’s pivotal role in the nation’s security apparatus involved the critical task of providing close security to the Prime Minister of India. This responsibility underscores the immense significance of his contributions to the country’s security landscape.
Arun Kumar Sinha, an Indian Police Service (IPS) officer hailing from the 1987 Kerala cadre, enjoyed a distinguished career spanning several decades. His journey within the Special Protection Group (SPG) commenced in March 2016 when he assumed the position of its 12th director. His appointment was contractual, set to last until May 31, 2024, at the rank and compensation level of director general of police. On May 31, he received a one-year extension in service, a testament to his unwavering dedication to his duties. This extended tenure allowed him to lead the SPG with the utmost professionalism and commitment.
Arun Kumar Sinha’s illustrious career extended beyond his role in the SPG. He had previously served in various capacities in his cadre state, Kerala, and with the Border Security Force (BSF) at the national level. His diverse experiences and unwavering commitment to his profession earned him widespread respect and recognition.
The Special Protection Group (SPG), established in 1985, has played a crucial role in safeguarding the Prime Minister of India. With an estimated strength of approximately 3,000 personnel, the SPG continues to be at the forefront of ensuring the security of the highest office in the country.