Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS-4) to Focus on Sustainable Development and Resilient Prosperity

Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS-4) to Focus on Sustainable Development and Resilient Prosperity

Dates and Theme

  • Dates: May 27-30, 2024
  • Theme: “Charting the course toward resilient prosperity”


  • Assess the ability of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) to achieve sustainable development.
  • Focus on the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Produce an inter-governmentally agreed, forward-looking, action-oriented political outcome document.

Global Environment Facility (GEF) Support

Historical Support

  • Duration: Over 30 years
  • Partners: Global Environment Facility and key partners
  • Focus Areas:
    • Development of green and blue economy approaches in SIDS.
    • Sustainable use of biodiversity.
    • Resilience to climate change and other shocks.
    • Increasing energy access through renewable energy and energy efficiency.
    • Halting and reversing land degradation.
    • Enhancing cooperation on international waters.
    • Supporting a pollution-free environment.


  • Building resilient societies.
  • Preserving and enhancing landscapes and the living environment.
  • Contributing to a livable future.

Financial Contributions

Funding Details

  • Total Grant Finance to Date: $1.9 billion
  • Additional Resources Leveraged: Several times the grant amount through national, global, and regional projects.

Current Funding Cycle

  • GEF-8 Funding Cycle: 2022 โ€“ 2026
  • Focus: Continued strong support for SIDS and Least Developed Countries (LDCs).

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. When will the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS-4) take place?
    • A) June 1-4, 2024
    • B) May 27-30, 2024
    • C) April 15-18, 2024
    • D) July 5-8, 2024
    • Answer: B) May 27-30, 2024
  2. What is the overarching theme of SIDS-4?
    • A) “Towards a Sustainable Future”
    • B) “Building Resilient Communities”
    • C) “Charting the course toward resilient prosperity”
    • D) “Enhancing Global Cooperation”
    • Answer: C) “Charting the course toward resilient prosperity”
  3. Which organization has provided significant support to SIDS for over 30 years?
    • A) World Bank
    • B) United Nations Development Programme
    • C) Global Environment Facility
    • D) International Monetary Fund
    • Answer: C) Global Environment Facility
  4. How much grant finance has the GEF provided to SIDS to date?
    • A) $1 billion
    • B) $1.9 billion
    • C) $2.5 billion
    • D) $3 billion
    • Answer: B) $1.9 billion
  5. What is one of the main focuses of the GEF-8 funding cycle (2022 โ€“ 2026)?
    • A) Urban Development
    • B) Infrastructure Expansion
    • C) Needs of SIDS and Least Developed Countries (LDCs)
    • D) Technological Advancements
    • Answer: C) Needs of SIDS and Least Developed Countries (LDCs)