FSSAI Alerts Against Calcium Carbide Use for Fruit Ripening

FSSAI Alerts Against Calcium Carbide Use for Fruit Ripening

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has issued an alert to traders, fruit handlers, and Food Business Operators (FBOs) regarding the prohibition on the use of calcium carbide for artificial ripening of fruits, especially during the mango season.

Health Hazards of Calcium Carbide:

  • Chemical Composition: Calcium carbide releases acetylene gas, containing harmful traces of arsenic and phosphorus.
  • Health Issues: Consumption of fruits ripened using calcium carbide can lead to dizziness, frequent thirst, irritation, weakness, difficulty in swallowing, vomiting, skin ulcers, etc.
  • Worker Hazards: Handling calcium carbide and acetylene gas poses health risks to workers.

Regulatory Prohibition:

  • Under Regulation 2.3.5 of the Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restrictions on Sales) Regulations, 2011, the sale or use of fruits artificially ripened with acetylene gas (calcium carbide) is strictly prohibited.

Safe Alternatives:

  • Ethylene Gas: FSSAI permits the use of ethylene gas as a safer alternative for fruit ripening, with guidelines provided for its usage.
  • Approved Chemical: The Central Insecticides Board and Registration Committee (CIB & RC) has approved Ethephon 39% SL for uniform ripening of mangoes and other fruits.

Guidance and SOP:

  • FSSAI has published a guidance document outlining the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for artificial ripening of fruits using ethylene gas.
  • The SOP includes restrictions, requirements for ethylene ripening systems/chambers, handling conditions, safety guidelines, and post-treatment operations.

Reporting Violations:

  • Consumers noticing the use of calcium carbide or any improper ripening practices can report them to the concerned State Commissioners of Food Safety for necessary action.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What harmful gas does calcium carbide release during fruit ripening?
    • A) Oxygen
    • B) Acetylene
    • C) Carbon dioxide
    • D) Nitrogen
    • Answer: B) Acetylene
  2. What health issues can arise from consuming fruits ripened with calcium carbide?
    • A) Allergic reactions
    • B) Skin discoloration
    • C) Dizziness, vomiting, skin ulcers, etc.
    • D) Hair loss
    • Answer: C) Dizziness, vomiting, skin ulcers, etc.
  3. Which regulatory body has prohibited the use of calcium carbide for fruit ripening in India?
    • A) Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
    • B) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
    • C) Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)
    • D) World Health Organization (WHO)
    • Answer: C) Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)
  4. What is the approved chemical for uniform ripening of mangoes and other fruits?
    • A) Ethylene Gas
    • B) Calcium Carbide
    • C) Chlorine
    • D) Sulphur dioxide
    • Answer: A) Ethylene Gas