Geological Institute Discovers Eratosthenes Underwater Canyon Near Cyprus

Geological Institute Discovers Eratosthenes Underwater Canyon Near Cyprus

The Geological Institute of Israel recently made a significant discovery of an underwater canyon near Cyprus, named Eratosthenes after the adjacent underwater mountain. This canyon is believed to have formed during the Messinian Event around 5.5 million years ago.

Characteristics of the Eratosthenes Underwater Canyon

  • Location: Near Cyprus, adjacent to the Eratosthenes underwater mountain.
  • Dimensions: Approximately 10 km wide and 500 m deep.
  • Formation: Believed to have been buried at the onset of the Messinian period, prior to the deposition of the salt layer.

Formation Mechanism

The formation of the Eratosthenes Underwater Canyon is attributed to:

  1. Decrease in Mediterranean Sea level during the Messinian Event.
  2. Rise in water salinity, leading to the creation of gravity currents or dense solutions.
  3. Resultant destabilization of submarine slopes and subsidence of the seabed.

Significance of the Discovery

  • Environmental Insights: The discovery sheds light on the environmental conditions characterized by high salinity and lower sea levels in the deep Mediterranean basin at the onset of the Messinian event.
  • Understanding the Messinian Salinity Crisis: The Messinian event, also known as the Messinian salinity crisis, was a geological phenomenon marked by partial or nearly complete desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What is the name given to the recently discovered underwater canyon near Cyprus?
    a) Eratosthenes
    b) Atlantis
    c) Tethys
    d) Thalassa
    Answer: a) Eratosthenes
  2. What geological event is associated with the formation of the Eratosthenes Underwater Canyon?
    a) Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
    b) Cambrian Explosion
    c) Messinian Event
    d) Pleistocene Ice Age
    Answer: c) Messinian Event
  3. What factors are believed to have contributed to the formation of the Eratosthenes Underwater Canyon?
    a) Increase in sea level and decrease in water salinity.
    b) Decrease in sea level and rise in water salinity.
    c) Increase in sea level and rise in water salinity.
    d) Decrease in sea level and decrease in water salinity.
    Answer: b) Decrease in sea level and rise in water salinity
  4. What does the Messinian Event signify in geological terms?
    a) Period of rapid mountain formation.
    b) Epoch of intense volcanic activity.
    c) Cycle of partial or nearly complete desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea.
    d) Phase of widespread glaciation.
    Answer: c) Cycle of partial or nearly complete desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea