GHAR (GO Home and Re-Unite) Portal for Restoration and Repatriation of Child launched by NCPCR

GHAR (GO Home and Re-Unite) Portal for Restoration and Repatriation of Child launched by NCPCR

Track Child Portal

Development and Implementation

The Ministry of Women and Child Development has introduced the “Track Child Portal” to facilitate the tracking of missing and found children across various States and Union Territories (UTs), including Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, North Eastern States, and Jharkhand. The portal is a collaborative effort involving multiple stakeholders, such as the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Railways, State Governments/UT Administrations, Child Welfare Committees, Juvenile Justice Boards, National Legal Services Authority, etc.

Standard Operating Procedure

Standard operating procedures have been issued for the “Track Child” Portal to ensure uniformity and effective utilization. Advisories have been distributed to all States, UTs, Director Generals of Police, and other stakeholders, emphasizing the proper implementation of the Track Child portal.

Integration with CCTNS

The Track Child portal is integrated with the Crime and Criminal Tracking & Network Systems (CCTNS) of the Ministry of Home Affairs. This integration allows interoperability, enabling the matching of FIRs of missing children with the Track Child database to facilitate the tracing and matching of missing children by the respective State/UT police.

“Khoya-Paya” Component

The Track Child Portal includes a component called “Khoya-Paya,” where any citizen can report a missing or sighted child, enhancing community participation in the tracking process.

GHAR – GO Home and Re-Unite Portal


The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has developed the “GHAR – GO Home and Re-Unite” Portal, specifically designed for the digital monitoring and tracking of the restoration and repatriation of children. The portal operates in accordance with the protocols outlined in the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015, and its associated rules.

Salient Features

  1. Digital Tracking and Monitoring: Enables tracking of children within the Juvenile Justice system who need repatriation to another Country/State/District.
  2. Digital Case Transfer: Facilitates the digital transfer of cases to the relevant Juvenile Justice Board/Child Welfare Committee for expedited repatriation.
  3. Translator/Interpreter/Expert Request: Allows the request for translators, interpreters, or experts when necessary.
  4. Digital Monitoring by Committees and Officers: Empowers Child Welfare Committees and District Child Protection Officers to monitor the progress of repatriation cases digitally.
  5. Checklist Format: Provides a checklist format to identify challenging cases and ensure entitled compensation and other monetary benefits for children.
  6. Government Schemes Linkage: Offers a list of government-implemented schemes, allowing Child Welfare Committees to link children with these schemes during restoration for family strengthening.

Registration and Awareness

According to NCPCR, a total of 5175 children have been registered on the GHAR Portal for repatriation. Awareness generation programs and launch events have been organized, and training programs conducted in North Eastern States to educate stakeholders about the GHAR Portal.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What is the purpose of the Track Child Portal?
    a) Tracking wildlife movement
    b) Tracking missing and found children
    c) Tracking weather patterns
    d) Tracking financial transactions
    Answer: b) Tracking missing and found children
  2. Which ministry is involved in the development of the Track Child Portal?
    a) Ministry of Finance
    b) Ministry of Women and Child Development
    c) Ministry of Agriculture
    d) Ministry of Education
    Answer: b) Ministry of Women and Child Development
  3. What is the integration of the Track Child Portal with the CCTNS aimed at achieving?
    a) Enhancing social media integration
    b) Improving cybersecurity measures
    c) Matching FIRs of missing children with the Track Child database
    d) Integrating with health databases
    Answer: c) Matching FIRs of missing children with the Track Child database
  4. Which component of the Track Child Portal allows any citizen to report missing or sighted children?
    a) FoundChild
    b) TrackAlert
    c) Khoya-Paya
    d) ChildWatch
    Answer: c) Khoya-Paya
  5. What is the GHAR Portal designed for?
    a) Real estate management
    b) Restoration and repatriation of children
    c) Environmental conservation
    d) Employment opportunities
    Answer: b) Restoration and repatriation of children
  6. How does the GHAR Portal facilitate the restoration process?
    a) Manual paperwork submission
    b) Digital tracking and monitoring of cases
    c) Telephonic communication
    d) In-person visits to the authorities
    Answer: b) Digital tracking and monitoring of cases
  7. Which act and rules does the GHAR Portal operate in accordance with?
    a) Juvenile Justice (Delinquency Prevention) Act, 2010
    b) Child Protection and Welfare Act, 2018
    c) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015
    d) Children’s Rights and Protection Act, 2020
    Answer: c) Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015