Government Boosts Funding for Sustainable Development of Natural Rubber Sector

Government Boosts Funding for Sustainable Development of Natural Rubber Sector

The government has augmented the allocation for Sustainable and Inclusive Development of Natural Rubber Sector by 23% to Rs 708.7 crore for the next two financial years. This initiative aims to boost the cultivation area of the natural rubber crop.

Scheme Details

  • The scheme operates concurrently with the tenure of the 15th Finance Commission award and is administered by the Rubber Board.
  • It offers subsidies for new planting and replanting of old plantations.
  • The total five-year allocation for the scheme now amounts to Rs 999.86 crore.

Utilization of Funds

  • Additional Secretary in the commerce ministry, Amardeep Singh Bhatia, outlined the utilization of funds:
    1. Supporting plantation of rubber.
    2. Generation of planting material.
    3. Productivity enhancement.
    4. Formation of rubber producers societies.
    5. Rubber research and training.

Increasing Local Production

  • The government aims to reduce reliance on imports by increasing local production of rubber.
  • Current local production falls short of demand, with only 8.39 lakh tonnes against the demand of 13.5 lakh tonnes.

Expansion Plans

  • Planting of rubber will be expanded in both traditional and non-traditional areas.
  • 12,000 ha in traditional areas will be targeted for plantation during 2024-25 and 2025-26 with an outlay of Rs 43.50 crore.
  • Rate of assistance increased to Rs. 40,000 per ha.
  • 3752 ha will be cultivated in non-traditional regions with an outlay of Rs 18.76 crore.

Support Measures

  • Planting materials worth Rs 50,000 per ha will be supplied by the Rubber Board.
  • Planting assistance at Rs 2,00,000 per ha will be provided for SC growers in non-traditional regions.
  • Sponsored nurseries will be promoted in non-traditional areas for generating good quality planting material.
  • An outlay of Rs 29 crore provided for rubber research in the next two years.

Promoting Rubber Producers Societies (RPS)

  • Assistance for the formation of around 250 new RPSs in the next two years.
  • Formation of another 1450 farmer clusters supported in non-traditional and NE regions.
  • Assistance for equipment to producer organisations.

Establishment of Nodal Centers

  • Proposed establishment of three nodal centres of National Institute of Rubber training (NIRT) in the NE region with an outlay of Rs 5.25 crore in the next two years.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What is the increased allocation for the Sustainable and Inclusive Development of Natural Rubber Sector?
    • A) 15%
    • B) 23%
    • C) 30%
    • D) 40%
    • Answer: B) 23%
  2. Which organization administers the scheme for sustainable development of the natural rubber sector?
    • A) Ministry of Agriculture
    • B) Rubber Authority of India
    • C) Rubber Board
    • D) National Rubber Corporation
    • Answer: C) Rubber Board
  3. What is the primary aim of the increased allocation for rubber cultivation?
    • A) Boosting import levels
    • B) Reducing reliance on imports
    • C) Increasing export quotas
    • D) None of the above
    • Answer: B) Reducing reliance on imports
  4. Which regions are considered traditional areas for rubber crop cultivation?
    • A) Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Northeast states
    • B) Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu
    • C) Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan
    • D) Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh
    • Answer: B) Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu
  5. What is the proposed outlay for establishing nodal centers of National Institute of Rubber training (NIRT) in the NE region?
    • A) Rs 3.75 crore
    • B) Rs 5.25 crore
    • C) Rs 7.50 crore
    • D) Rs 10.00 crore
    • Answer: B) Rs 5.25 crore