Government Launches Right to Repair Portal to Promote Sustainable Consumption

Government Launches Right to Repair Portal to Promote Sustainable Consumption

The Hon’ble Prime Minister initiated Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for the Environment) to transition from a ‘use-and-dispose’ economy to a ‘circular economy,’ emphasizing mindful consumption. The Department of Consumer Affairs (DoCA) launched the Right to Repair Portal India on National Consumer Rights Day 2022 to promote repair over wasteful consumption.

Meeting with Stakeholders

Under the leadership of Shri Rohit Kumar Singh, Secretary of DoCA, a meeting was conducted with stakeholders from Automobiles, Consumer Durables, Mobile and Electronics, and Farming Equipments sectors to onboard them onto the Right to Repair Portal India.

Concerns Highlighted

  • Planned Obsolescence: Products designed with artificially limited lifespans contribute to e-waste and force consumers into buying new products due to lack of repair options.
  • Restricted Repair: Consumers face delays, high repair costs, and unavailability of spare parts, leading to distress and financial burden.
  • Transparency: Lack of information on product lifespan, warranty conditions, and availability of spare parts affects consumers’ right to be informed.

Addressing Concerns

  • Unified Portal Features: The Right to Repair Portal India offers access to product manuals, repair videos, spare parts pricing and warranty details, service center information, and country of origin disclosure.
  • Encouraging Collaboration: Stakeholders are urged to join the portal to facilitate transparent communication between companies and consumers.
  • Balancing Innovation and Consumer Rights: DoCA emphasizes the need for collaboration with industry to standardize product warranty forms, promoting consumer care alongside innovation.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What does Mission LiFE aim to achieve?
    • A) Mindless consumption
    • B) Circular economy
    • C) Disposable economy
    • D) Planned obsolescence
    • Answer: B) Circular economy
  2. When was the Right to Repair Portal India launched?
    • A) National Environment Day 2022
    • B) National Consumer Rights Day 2022
    • C) World Consumer Rights Day 2022
    • D) World Environment Day 2022
    • Answer: B) National Consumer Rights Day 2022
  3. Which department conducted the meeting with stakeholders?
    • A) Department of Environment
    • B) Department of Consumer Affairs
    • C) Department of Technology
    • D) Department of Industry
    • Answer: B) Department of Consumer Affairs
  4. What concept does R3 refer to?
    • A) Repair, Reduce, Recycle
    • B) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
    • C) Recycle, Repair, Reuse
    • D) Reuse, Repair, Reduce
    • Answer: B) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  5. What was emphasized regarding product warranty forms?
    • A) Standardization to stifle innovation
    • B) Need for consumer care over innovation
    • C) No need for standardization
    • D) Innovation without consumer care
    • Answer: B) Need for consumer care over innovation