Government’s Initiative for Hygiene in Hospitality Sector Faces Limited State Participation

Government’s Initiative for Hygiene in Hospitality Sector Faces Limited State Participation

A government-led effort to establish a rating system aimed at ensuring high standards of hygiene and sanitation in the hospitality sector has encountered challenges with limited state participation.

Current Status of Implementation

Despite multiple communications from the Union Tourism Ministry, only a pilot project in Jammu and Kashmir has been initiated, with other states showing no response as of the latest update in February.

Launch and Collaboration

The rating scheme, named Swachhata Green Leaf Rating, was introduced in collaboration with the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation in November the previous year.

Objectives and Scope

The initiative targets hotels, resorts, homestays, and other lodging services, emphasizing improved sanitation facilities, waste management, and reduction of single-use plastics to prevent pollution and promote sustainable tourism practices.

Implementation Strategy

State teams of Swachh Bharat Mission-Gramin and the tourism department will conduct workshops to educate stakeholders on the initiative’s concept, process, and desired outcomes.

Rating System and Criteria

The proposed Swacchta Green Leaf Rating system will evaluate compliance with safe sanitation practices outlined in the guidelines, covering a range of hospitality facilities with or without restaurants.

Vision and Objectives

The initiative seeks to engage the hospitality sector and foster voluntary participation to enhance cleanliness and sustainability in tourism practices across India.

Future Plans and Incentives

Government officials are considering incentivizing participation in the scheme to promote wider adoption, particularly focusing on rural areas where low-cost technologies can aid smaller hospitality units.

Proposed Committee System

A three-tiered committee structure is proposed for implementation, involving Verification Sub-Committees at the sub-district level, District Committees chaired by District Collectors, and a State-level committee led by the Chief Secretary.

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What is the name of the rating system introduced by the Union Tourism Ministry?
    • A) Swachh Bharat Rating
    • B) Green Leaf Certification
    • C) Swachhata Green Leaf Rating
    • D) Clean Hospitality Accreditation
    • Answer: C) Swachhata Green Leaf Rating
  2. Which state has initiated a pilot project for the rating system?
    • A) Goa
    • B) Himachal Pradesh
    • C) Jammu and Kashmir
    • D) Rajasthan
    • Answer: C) Jammu and Kashmir
  3. What is the primary objective of the rating system?
    • A) Promote cultural tourism
    • B) Enhance hygiene and sanitation in the hospitality sector
    • C) Improve transportation facilities
    • D) Increase hotel revenues
    • Answer: B) Enhance hygiene and sanitation in the hospitality sector
  4. Who will chair the District Committees in the proposed committee structure?
    • A) Tourism Minister
    • B) Chief Secretary
    • C) District Collector
    • D) Sub-Divisional Magistrate
    • Answer: C) District Collector
  5. What type of facilities will be covered under the rating system?
    • A) Only hotels with restaurants
    • B) Only resorts
    • C) All hospitality facilities with or without restaurants
    • D) Only homestays
    • Answer: C) All hospitality facilities with or without restaurants