GSI and NGDR Join Forces to Boost Pumped Storage Hydro Projects in India

GSI and NGDR Join Forces to Boost Pumped Storage Hydro Projects in India

The Ministry of Mines, under Secretary V.L. Kantha Rao, is placing renewed emphasis on pumped storage hydro power projects and highway development. During a recent workshop, Rao highlighted the crucial roles of various ministry organizations, including the Geological Survey of India (GSI) and the National Institute of Rock Mechanics (NIRM), in advancing these crucial infrastructure initiatives.

Leveraging Expertise for Sustainable Development:

  • GSI’s geological and geotechnical data: Rao lauded GSI’s extensive data repository accumulated over 172 years, emphasizing its potential to assist pumped storage hydro project developers. He urged GSI to further enhance its capabilities and cater to industry demands efficiently.
  • NIRM’s contribution to Ram Mandir construction: Rao commended NIRM’s expertise, exemplified by their involvement in assessing the quality of stones used in the construction of Ram Mandir, Ayodhya. This sets a benchmark for the institute’s role in ensuring material quality for infrastructure projects.

Pumped Hydro: A Clean Energy Push:

  • 47 GW target by 2032: Rao acknowledged the Power Ministry’s ambitious plan to add 47 GW of renewable energy through pumped storage hydro projects by 2032. The adoption of a new Detailed Project Report (DPR) framework by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) will streamline project development.
  • Collaboration for success: Rao encouraged joint efforts by the Central Water Commission (CWC), GSI, and CEA to refine the DPR guidelines and ensure their effectiveness for pumped storage hydro development.

Overall, the workshop showcased the Ministry of Mines’ commitment to leveraging its organizations’ expertise in driving sustainable infrastructure development through pumped storage hydro and highways. By fostering collaboration and optimizing processes, the ministry aims to contribute to India’s clean energy goals and enhance national infrastructure.