Haryana launched a Vehicle Movement Tracking System (VMTS) mobile app

Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar launched a Vehicle Movement Tracking System (VMTS) mobile app that will help in tracking vehicles carrying sand and other mining material.

The app will be used at different checkpoints in all the districts of Haryana and vehicle details —like vehicle number, vehicle type, moving from, moving to — along with driver details, like name, driver mobile number and driver license number, will be punched into it.

If the vehicle is to move between source and destination checkpoints, then officials can mark the vehicle exit from the originating check post as interim exit and at destination checkpoint it will be marked as final exit.

All the travel history of the vehicle will be logged and can be viewed through the app at anytime. Only users whose mobile number is registered in the database will be authorized to login into it.