In a gripping showdown of talent and resilience, Rohan Bopanna and Rutuja Bhosale clinched the coveted gold medal in mixed doubles tennis at the Asian Games 2023. Facing off against Chinese Taipei’s Yu-hsiou Hsu and Hao-ching Chan, the Indian pair displayed exceptional prowess to secure a 2-6, 6-3, 10-4 victory. This achievement marked India’s second tennis medal at the event, with Ramkumar Ramanathan and Saketh Myneni having previously claimed a silver in the men’s doubles category.
The match commenced with Rohan Bopanna showcasing a stellar service game. However, Tsung-hao Huang and Liang En-shuo of Chinese Taipei managed to secure two consecutive breaks, consolidating their lead at 5-1 and ultimately securing the first set with a score of 6-2.
Undeterred, Rohan Bopanna and Rutuja Bhosale rallied admirably in the second set, with both teams locked in a closely contested battle for the initial seven games. The Indian duo, demonstrating remarkable resolve, achieved a pivotal break in the eighth game, ultimately winning the set 6-3 and setting the stage for a thrilling match tie break.
In the decisive match tie break, Rutuja Bhosale’s exceptional performance earned her a maiden Asian Games medal, while Rohan Bopanna added to his gold medal from the Jakarta 2018 edition. This victory constituted India’s second tennis medal at the Asian Games 2023, following their earlier success in the men’s doubles event.
India’s strong tradition in mixed doubles at the Asian Games continued, with a total of seven medals in this category, including three gold. Notable past champions include Leander Paes-Sania Mirza at Doha 2006 and Saketh Myneni-Sania Mirza at Incheon 2014, who have previously claimed the mixed doubles title.