India Contemplates Free Trade Agreement with Eurasian Economic Union

India Contemplates Free Trade Agreement with Eurasian Economic Union

India is seriously considering a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) to enhance economic collaboration and expand trade opportunities. This development was confirmed by the Foreign Minister of Belarus during a recent press conference.

About the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)

The Eurasian Economic Union consists of:

  • Russia
  • Belarus
  • Kazakhstan
  • Armenia
  • Kyrgyzstan

This union represents a significant market with vast economic potential.

Potential Benefits of the FTA

  • Reduced Tariffs: Lowering of tariffs on goods traded between India and EAEU countries.
  • Increased Market Access: Easier entry for Indian goods and services into EAEU markets.
  • Enhanced Economic Ties: Strengthening of economic relationships between India and the EAEU countries.

Statements from the Belarus Foreign Minister

The Belarus Foreign Minister emphasized the mutual benefits of the FTA, stating it would facilitate easier trade flows and foster closer political and cultural relationships. He highlighted the immense potential in collaborating with India, viewing the FTA as a robust foundation for economic partnership.

Strategic Importance for India

  • Diversifying Trade Partnerships: Part of India’s strategy to diversify its trade relationships.
  • Tapping New Markets: Access to new and significant markets within the EAEU.
  • Boosting Exports: Potential increase in exports of pharmaceuticals, textiles, and engineering goods.

Future Negotiations

Negotiations are expected to take place over the coming months. Both India and the EAEU have expressed optimism about reaching a mutually beneficial agreement. This move is part of India’s efforts to strengthen its global economic footprint and create new opportunities for its industries.


As discussions progress, stakeholders from both regions are hopeful that this potential FTA will mark a new chapter in India-EAEU relations, fostering growth and development for all parties involved.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What is India considering with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)?
    • A) Military alliance
    • B) Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
    • C) Cultural exchange program
    • D) Joint space mission
    • Answer: B) Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
  2. Which countries are part of the EAEU?
    • A) Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan
    • B) Russia, China, India, Belarus, and Kazakhstan
    • C) Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Russia, and Kyrgyzstan
    • D) India, Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Belarus
    • Answer: A) Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan
  3. What did the Belarus Foreign Minister say about the FTA?
    • A) It would only benefit Belarus.
    • B) It would foster closer political and cultural relationships.
    • C) It would increase military cooperation.
    • D) It would decrease trade flows.
    • Answer: B) It would foster closer political and cultural relationships.
  4. Which sectors could potentially see a boost in exports from India to the EAEU?
    • A) Agriculture, electronics, and automotive
    • B) Pharmaceuticals, textiles, and engineering goods
    • C) Information technology, services, and tourism
    • D) Mining, energy, and financial services
    • Answer: B) Pharmaceuticals, textiles, and engineering goods
  5. What is the broader strategy of India in considering an FTA with the EAEU?
    • A) To strengthen military ties
    • B) To diversify its trade partnerships and tap into new markets
    • C) To increase tourism
    • D) To enhance cultural exchanges
    • Answer: B) To diversify its trade partnerships and tap into new markets