India Dismisses OIC Statement on Article 370 Verdict: “Misguided and Uninformed”

India Dismisses OIC Statement on Article 370 Verdict: “Misguided and Uninformed”

The Indian government’s response to the OIC statement was swift and firm. The MEA’s statement highlighted that the Supreme Court’s verdict on Article 370 was a purely internal matter, passed through a rigorous judicial process. It clarified that the decision aimed to ensure equal rights and opportunities for all citizens of Jammu and Kashmir, regardless of religion or ethnicity.

The MEA further stated that the OIC’s statement ignored the historical context and complexities surrounding Article 370, and its subsequent abrogation. It pointed out that the provision had been misused for decades to create a parallel system of governance in Jammu and Kashmir, hindering the region’s development and integration with the rest of India.

The MEA also emphasized India’s long-standing commitment to the principles of secularism and tolerance, and its respect for the rights of all religious communities. It assured the OIC that the abrogation of Article 370 would not affect the rights or privileges of any citizen of Jammu and Kashmir, including Muslims.

While the OIC statement has sparked some concern and criticism within India, the government’s strong rebuttal and emphasis on its commitment to inclusivity and equal rights are likely to resonate with the majority of the population. The issue is expected to remain a point of discussion in the coming days, but the Indian government’s stance is clear: the abrogation of Article 370 is a domestic matter, and any external interference will not be tolerated.