India Expresses Concern over Israel’s Continued Occupation of Golan Heights in UN Vote

India Expresses Concern over Israel’s Continued Occupation of Golan Heights in UN Vote

In a significant move, India joined a group of 90 countries in voting in favor of a UN General Assembly resolution demanding Israel’s withdrawal from the occupied Syrian Golan Heights. The resolution, adopted by a recorded vote with 91 in favor, eight against, and 62 abstentions, highlights the longstanding issue of Israeli occupation of the Syrian territory.

The Syrian Golan, a strategically important region in southwestern Syria, was captured by Israeli forces during the 1967 Six-Day War. Despite numerous UN Security Council resolutions calling for Israel’s withdrawal, the territory remains under Israeli control, a source of ongoing tension and a major obstacle to peace in the region.

The UN resolution underscores the illegality of Israel’s occupation and calls for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Syrian Golan to the pre-1967 ceasefire lines. It also emphasizes the need for a comprehensive and lasting peace settlement in the Middle East, based on the principles of international law and the relevant UN resolutions.

India’s decision to vote in favor of the resolution aligns with its long-standing support for Palestinian rights and its commitment to a just and peaceful resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict. The move is also consistent with India’s principled position on non-recognition of territorial acquisitions through force and its adherence to the rule of international law.

The UN resolution serves as a reminder of the international community’s unwavering demand for an end to Israel’s occupation of the Syrian Golan. It sends a clear message that the continued occupation is illegal and unacceptable and that a peaceful resolution to the conflict remains a priority.