India Extends $2.5 Million Support to UNRWA for Palestinian Refugees

India Extends $2.5 Million Support to UNRWA for Palestinian Refugees

India has declared a contribution of $2.5 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to support the welfare of Palestinian refugees. This announcement, made by the Representative Office of India to the state of Palestine in Ramallah, signifies the second installment of a total commitment of $5 million annually. The first installment was released in November.

The funds aim to support the UNRWA’s core programs and services, encompassing education, healthcare, relief, and social services for Palestinian refugees. The amount was handed over to the chargée d’affaires, Elizabeth Rodrigues.

Notably, millions of Palestinian refugees reside in 58 recognized Palestine refugee camps across Jordan, Lebanon, the Syrian Arab Republic, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. The recent conflict in the Gaza Strip, marked by Israel’s attack, has led to the loss of lives and the displacement of tens of thousands of individuals.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) has reported engaging in high-risk missions, in collaboration with partners, to deliver supplies to hospitals in Northern and Southern Gaza. These areas are witnessing intense hostilities, high patient loads, and overcrowding due to people displaced by the conflict seeking refuge.

India’s stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict has evolved over time. Initially supportive of Israel after the Hamas attack in October, India gradually adopted a more nuanced position as the Gaza toll increased. In late October, India abstained from the UN General Assembly vote on a resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian truce. However, two months later, in mid-December, India voted in favor of a new resolution for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, demanding the unconditional release of hostages and ensuring humanitarian access.