India Lags Behind Neighbors in Gender Equality, Says Global Gender Gap Report 2024

India Lags Behind Neighbors in Gender Equality, Says Global Gender Gap Report 2024

The Global Gender Gap Report 2024 assesses countries worldwide on parameters crucial to gender equality, including economic participation, educational attainment, health and survival, and political empowerment.

India’s Ranking and Comparison

India ranks lower than neighboring countries—Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Bhutan—in terms of gender equality in the latest 2024 report. Despite progress in some areas, India faces significant challenges in achieving gender parity.

Key Findings

  • Political Empowerment: India shows poor performance in political empowerment, with notably low representation of women in political leadership roles.
  • Comparison with Neighboring Countries: Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka have achieved more balanced progress, particularly in political participation, contributing to their higher rankings.

Implications and Recommendations

The underrepresentation of women in politics remains a critical barrier in India’s path towards gender equality. Initiatives and policies from neighboring countries offer potential models for improvement.


The report underscores the urgent need for policy changes and concerted efforts to address gender disparities in India. Enhancing political participation and ensuring equal opportunities across all sectors are essential steps towards closing the gender gap.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers:

  1. What is the focus of the Global Gender Gap Report 2024?
    • A) Economic development
    • B) Gender equality
    • C) Healthcare advancements
    • D) Educational reforms
    • Answer: B) Gender equality
  2. Which country ranks lower than its neighbors in the 2024 report?
    • A) Bhutan
    • B) Bangladesh
    • C) Sri Lanka
    • D) India
    • Answer: D) India
  3. In which area does India perform poorly according to the report?
    • A) Economic participation
    • B) Educational attainment
    • C) Political empowerment
    • D) Health and survival
    • Answer: C) Political empowerment
  4. Which of the following countries has shown balanced progress in political participation, contributing to a higher ranking?
    • A) Pakistan
    • B) India
    • C) Nepal
    • D) Afghanistan
    • Answer: C) Nepal
  5. What does the report recommend as essential for bridging the gender gap in India?
    • A) Improving healthcare infrastructure
    • B) Reducing unemployment rates
    • C) Enhancing political participation for women
    • D) Increasing corporate profits
    • Answer: C) Enhancing political participation for women