India Launches Anti-Dumping Probe into Solar Glass Imports from China and Vietnam

India Launches Anti-Dumping Probe into Solar Glass Imports from China and Vietnam

India has initiated an anti-dumping probe into imports of certain solar glass from China and Vietnam, following a complaint by domestic players.

Initiating Authority

The Commerce Ministry’s investigation arm, Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR), is conducting the investigation.

Nature of Investigation

The probe focuses on the alleged dumping of ‘Textured Tempered Coated and Uncoated Glass’ made or from China and Vietnam, also known as solar glass or solar photovoltaic glass.

Applicant and Purpose

An application has been filed by Borosil Renewables Limited on behalf of the domestic industry for the probe and the imposition of appropriate anti-dumping duty on imports.

Investigation Initiation

The authority initiates the anti-dumping investigation based on the substantiated application by the domestic industry, showing prima facie evidence of dumping and consequent injury to the domestic industry.

Potential Action

If it is established that the dumping has caused material injury to domestic players, DGTR would recommend the imposition of anti-dumping duty on the imports. The Finance Ministry takes the final decision to impose duties.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. Who initiated the anti-dumping probe into imports of certain solar glass from China and Vietnam?
    • A) Ministry of Finance
    • B) Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR)
    • C) Ministry of Commerce
    • D) Borosil Renewables Limited
    • Answer: B) Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR)
  2. What is the product under investigation known as in the market?
    • A) Coated Glass
    • B) Solar Glass
    • C) Textured Glass
    • D) Tempered Glass
    • Answer: B) Solar Glass
  3. Who filed the application on behalf of the domestic industry for the anti-dumping probe?
    • A) Ministry of Commerce
    • B) Ministry of Finance
    • C) Borosil Renewables Limited
    • D) Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR)
    • Answer: C) Borosil Renewables Limited
  4. Who takes the final decision to impose anti-dumping duties if recommended?
    • A) Ministry of Finance
    • B) Ministry of Commerce
    • C) Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR)
    • D) Borosil Renewables Limited
    • Answer: A) Ministry of Finance
  5. What is the purpose of imposing anti-dumping duties?
    • A) To encourage cheap imports
    • B) To hinder fair trading practices
    • C) To create a level-playing field for domestic producers
    • D) To increase dependency on foreign producers
    • Answer: C) To create a level-playing field for domestic producers