India-Saudi Arabia Joint Military Exercise ‘SADA TANSEEQ’ Kicks Off in Rajasthan

India-Saudi Arabia Joint Military Exercise ‘SADA TANSEEQ’ Kicks Off in Rajasthan

The inaugural edition of the India-Saudi Arabia Joint Military Exercise ‘SADA TANSEEQ’ has commenced at Mahajan, Rajasthan. This collaborative effort involves the Royal Saudi Land Forces and the Indian Army, each represented by a contingent of 45 personnel. The exercise is scheduled to take place from January 29 to February 10, 2024.


The primary aim of the exercise is to provide training to troops from both countries for Joint Operations in Semi Desert terrain, in accordance with Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter. This collaboration seeks to enhance the ability of both sides to conduct operations in sub-conventional domains.

Training Focus:

The exercise will focus on sharing best practices in tactics, techniques, and procedures related to sub-conventional operations. Troops from both sides will engage in various activities to develop interoperability, foster camaraderie, and promote mutual understanding.

Exercise Activities:

The training activities include the establishment of a Mobile Vehicle Check Post, Cordon & Search Operation, House Intervention Drill, Reflex Shooting, Slithering, and Sniper Firing. These activities are designed to simulate real-world scenarios and enhance the skills of the participating contingents.


The exercise serves as a platform to strengthen the bond between the two contingents and aims to achieve shared security objectives. Additionally, it is expected to elevate the level of defence cooperation and contribute to fostering bilateral relations between India and Saudi Arabia.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

1. What is the primary objective of the India-Saudi Arabia Joint Military Exercise ‘SADA TANSEEQ’?
a. Conducting conventional warfare
b. Training for Joint Operations in Semi Desert terrain
c. Enhancing naval operations
d. Cybersecurity collaboration
Answer: b. Training for Joint Operations in Semi Desert terrain

2. How many personnel are representing each contingent in the ‘SADA TANSEEQ’ exercise?
a. 30
b. 45
c. 60
d. 75
Answer: b. 45

3. What does the exercise focus on in terms of tactics, techniques, and procedures?
a. Naval operations
b. Sub-conventional domain operations
c. Cybersecurity measures
d. Airborne operations
Answer: b. Sub-conventional domain operations

4. Which activities are included in the training exercises for ‘SADA TANSEEQ’?
a. Underwater diving
b. Mountain climbing
c. Mobile Vehicle Check Post, Cordon & Search Operation, House Intervention Drill, Reflex Shooting, Slithering, and Sniper Firing
d. Airborne jumps
Answer: c. Mobile Vehicle Check Post, Cordon & Search Operation, House Intervention Drill, Reflex Shooting, Slithering, and Sniper Firing

5. What is one of the expected outcomes of the exercise in terms of bilateral relations?
a. Increased tensions
b. Weakened cooperation
c. Strengthening the bond between contingents
d. Isolation of the participating nations
Answer: c. Strengthening the bond between contingents