India Seeks Global Mineral Alliances for Critical Supplies

India Seeks Global Mineral Alliances for Critical Supplies

India is currently in negotiations with Sri Lanka to acquire a graphite mine block. This initiative is part of India’s broader strategy to establish global partnerships for securing essential mineral supplies.

Offer from the United Arab Emirates

In a related development, India has received a proposal from the United Arab Emirates to collaborate on securing critical minerals.

Importance of Graphite for India

Graphite holds significant importance for India due to its application in battery manufacturing. An Indian official stated that efforts are ongoing to form a partnership with Sri Lanka to obtain a graphite block on the island. Private entities have also been encouraged to engage actively in this venture.

Quality of Sri Lankan Graphite

Sri Lankan graphite is renowned for its high purity, boasting over 98% carbon content, according to officials.

Other International Mineral Agreements

India has been proactive in securing other critical minerals from various countries:

  • Democratic Republic of the Congo: Agreements for cobalt and copper
  • Tanzania: Agreements for niobium and graphite
  • South Africa: Agreements for graphite and titanium

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. Why is India interested in acquiring a graphite mine block in Sri Lanka?
    • A) To improve diplomatic relations
    • B) To secure critical mineral supplies for battery production
    • C) To promote tourism
    • D) To establish a military base
    Answer: B) To secure critical mineral supplies for battery production
  2. Which country has offered to partner with India for critical minerals?
    • A) United States
    • B) United Arab Emirates
    • C) Japan
    • D) Russia
    Answer: B) United Arab Emirates
  3. What is the carbon content of Sri Lankan graphite?
    • A) 90%
    • B) 95%
    • C) Over 98%
    • D) 85%
    Answer: C) Over 98%
  4. Which mineral agreements has India signed with the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
    • A) Gold and Silver
    • B) Cobalt and Copper
    • C) Uranium and Thorium
    • D) Iron and Nickel
    Answer: B) Cobalt and Copper
  5. Which countries has India signed agreements with for graphite supply?
    • A) Australia and Brazil
    • B) Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Africa
    • C) Tanzania and South Africa
    • D) Canada and Russia
    Answer: C) Tanzania and South Africa