India Stands Firm Against Unilateral Actions in South China Sea

India Stands Firm Against Unilateral Actions in South China Sea

India’s stance on recent developments in the South China Sea underscores its commitment to international law and regional stability.

India’s Opposition to Unilateral Actions

India firmly opposes unilateral actions aimed at changing the status quo through force in the South China Sea.

Call for Adherence to International Law

India advocates for adherence to international law and the rules-based order, emphasizing the peaceful resolution of disputes.

Concerns Over Destabilizing Actions

India expresses concern over any actions that could destabilize the region, urging all parties to maintain peace and stability.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers:

  1. What does India oppose in the South China Sea?
    • A) Unilateral actions seeking to change the status quo by force
    • B) Joint diplomatic efforts for peaceful negotiations
    • C) Increased international presence for conflict resolution
    • D) Hydrocarbon exploration in disputed waters
    Answer: A) Unilateral actions seeking to change the status quo by force
  2. What does India emphasize regarding disputes in the South China Sea?
    • A) Military intervention
    • B) Peaceful resolution
    • C) Economic sanctions
    • D) Technological advancement
    Answer: B) Peaceful resolution
  3. Which international law is frequently mentioned in the context of disputes in the South China Sea?
    • A) UNCLOS
    • B) UN Charter
    • C) Geneva Conventions
    • D) Kyoto Protocol
    Answer: A) UNCLOS