India to Lead Global Sugar Sector as Chair of International Sugar Organisation for 2024

India to Lead Global Sugar Sector as Chair of International Sugar Organisation for 2024

India’s leadership of the ISO will come at a crucial time for the global sugar industry. The industry is facing a number of challenges, including rising production costs, declining consumption, and increasing competition from other sweeteners. India will need to use its chairmanship to address these challenges and to promote the sustainable development of the global sugar sector.

India’s chairmanship of the ISO is also an opportunity for the country to showcase its own sugar industry. India has made significant progress in recent years in improving the efficiency and productivity of its sugar mills. India is also a major exporter of sugar, and its chairmanship of the ISO will help to promote Indian sugar on the global market.

India’s leadership of the ISO is a welcome development for the global sugar industry. India is a major player in the global sugar market, and its chairmanship will help to ensure that the voices of developing countries are heard. India is also committed to the sustainable development of the sugar industry, and its leadership will help to promote sustainable practices in the sector.

The ISO is an intergovernmental organization that aims to promote the global sugar industry. The ISO has 83 member countries, which account for over 90% of world sugar production and consumption. The ISO works to improve the efficiency and sustainability of the global sugar industry, and it also provides a forum for dialogue between sugar-producing and sugar-consuming countries.