India to take charge of APPU in Bangkok, Thailand

India will take over the leadership of the Asian Pacific Postal Union (APPU) having its Headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand from this month.

The Communications Ministry said, the APPU is an intergovernmental organization of 32-member countries of the Asian-Pacific region.

The goal of APPU is to extend, facilitate and improve postal relations between member countries and to promote cooperation in the field of postal services. Dr. Vinaya Prakash Singh, erstwhile Member (Personnel), Postal Services Board will take over the charge of Secretary General of the Union for a tenure of four years.

Secretary, Department of Posts, Vineet Pandey said, this is the first time an Indian is leading an international organization in the postal sector. He said, it is a privilege for the Department to have its officer lead the activities of the Union, especially beginning from this year of India’s G20 presidency.

Asian Pacific Postal Union (APPU) is an intergovernmental organization of 32-member countries of the Asian-Pacific region. APPU is the only Restricted Union of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) in the region, which is a specialized agency of the United Nations.

  • Headquarters: Bangkok, Thailand
  • Founded: 1 July 1982
  • Area served: Asia-Pacific
  • Membership: 32 state members
  • Purpose: to facilitate postal relations and cooperation between members