India Unveils ‘Akashteer Command and Control Systems’ to Strengthen Air Defense Capabilities

India Unveils ‘Akashteer Command and Control Systems’ to Strengthen Air Defense Capabilities

India has unveiled the ‘Akashteer Command and Control Systems’ as a part of its efforts to enhance air defense capabilities.

Development and Collaboration

  • Developed indigenously by a consortium of leading defense technology firms in collaboration with the Indian armed forces.
  • Represents a leap forward in integrating various elements of India’s air defense network.

Key Features

  • Integration of Data: Seamlessly integrates data from multiple sources including radars, surveillance satellites, and airborne early warning systems.
  • Real-time Monitoring: Facilitates real-time monitoring of airspace activities for swift identification and interception of potential threats.
  • Advanced Analytics: Empowers decision-makers with actionable insights for effective resource deployment and proactive threat response.
  • Modular Design: Customizable to meet the specific needs of different operational environments.

Role in Defense

  • Countering Emerging Threats: Poised to counter emerging challenges such as drone incursions and hypersonic threats.
  • Technological Advancements: Leverages cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning for proactive defense.


  • Milestone in Self-Reliance: Marks a significant milestone in India’s quest for self-reliance in defense technology.
  • Commitment to Security: Reaffirms India’s commitment to safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. Who developed the ‘Akashteer Command and Control Systems’?
    a) Indian Air Force
    b) Consortium of defense technology firms in collaboration with Indian armed forces
    c) Foreign defense contractors
    d) United Nations
    Answer: b) Consortium of defense technology firms in collaboration with Indian armed forces
  2. What is one of the key features of the ‘Akashteer Command and Control Systems’?
    a) Limited data integration
    b) Slow response capabilities
    c) Seamless integration of data from multiple sources
    d) Lack of modular design
    Answer: c) Seamless integration of data from multiple sources
  3. How does the ‘Akashteer Command and Control Systems’ contribute to defense against emerging threats?
    a) By ignoring technological advancements
    b) By relying solely on conventional defense methods
    c) By leveraging cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning
    d) By avoiding customization based on operational environments
    Answer: c) By leveraging cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning
  4. What does the introduction of the ‘Akashteer Command and Control Systems’ signify for India?
    a) A setback in defense technology
    b) An increase in reliance on foreign defense systems
    c) A milestone in self-reliance in defense technology
    d) A decrease in commitment to security
    Answer: c) A milestone in self-reliance in defense technology