Indian Air Force Successfully Tests New Air-Launched Missile with Exceeding 250 km Range

Indian Air Force Successfully Tests New Air-Launched Missile with Exceeding 250 km Range

The Indian Air Force (IAF) recently conducted a successful test firing of a new version of an air-launched medium-range ballistic missile capable of striking targets beyond 250 km.

Missile Launch Details:

  • The missile, known as ROCKS or Crystal Maze 2, was launched from a Su-30 MKI fighter jet stationed in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  • It represents a new generation extended stand-off range air-to-surface missile.

Key Features:

  • Strike range exceeding 250 km.
  • Capable of targeting enemy long-range radar and air defense systems.
  • Options for either a penetration or blast fragmentation warhead.
  • Designed to strike high-value stationary and relocatable targets in GPS-denied environments.

Deployment Strategy:

  • Release the missile well outside the surface-to-air defended area.
  • Followed by a high-velocity trajectory to minimize risk to aircraft and missiles.

Production Plans:

  • The IAF plans to focus on mass production of these missiles under the Make in India initiative.
  • Leveraging technology acquired from Israel.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What is the name of the air-launched medium-range ballistic missile recently tested by the Indian Air Force?
    • A) Crystal Ball
    • B) ROCKS
    • C) Air Strike 250
    • D) Sky Blaster
    • Answer: B) ROCKS
  2. From which fighter jet was the ROCKS missile launched during the test?
    • A) Rafale
    • B) Su-30 MKI
    • C) Tejas
    • D) Mirage 2000
    • Answer: B) Su-30 MKI
  3. Where was the test launch of the ROCKS missile conducted?
    • A) Lakshadweep Islands
    • B) Sri Lanka
    • C) Andaman and Nicobar Islands
    • D) Maldives
    • Answer: C) Andaman and Nicobar Islands
  4. What is one of the key features of the ROCKS missile?
    • A) Strike range of 100 km
    • B) Limited targeting capability
    • C) GPS-denied environment operation
    • D) Capable of targeting submarines
    • Answer: C) GPS-denied environment operation
  5. What is the deployment strategy of the ROCKS missile to minimize risk to aircraft and missiles?
    • A) Direct approach towards the target
    • B) Releasing the missile within the surface-to-air defended area
    • C) Low-velocity trajectory
    • D) Releasing the missile well outside the surface-to-air defended area
    • Answer: D) Releasing the missile well outside the surface-to-air defended area