Indian Ocean Tuna Commission 19th Working Party on Data Collection and Statistics Convenes in Mumbai

Indian Ocean Tuna Commission 19th Working Party on Data Collection and Statistics Convenes in Mumbai

The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) has kicked off its 19th Working Party on Data Collection and Statistics (WPDCS19), bringing together renowned scientists and experts from around the world to address critical issues in tuna fisheries management. Hosted by the Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Government of India, the five-day meeting will be held at Hotel St. Regis in Mumbai, Maharashtra, from November 28 to December 2, 2023.

The WPDCS19 will serve as a crucial platform for experts to collaboratively review and assess the current status of data collection and statistics for tuna and other large pelagic fisheries in the Indian Ocean region. Participants from Indonesia, France, Spain, the European Union, Seychelles, Tanzania, Iran, Thailand, Japan, Sri Lanka, Oman, and India will attend the meeting in person, while many others from various countries, IOTC, and scientific organizations will participate virtually.

The overarching objective of the WPDCS19 is to identify and discuss potential improvements to data collection and statistics methodologies, with the ultimate goal of developing recommendations for the IOTC Commission to enhance the quality and availability of data for stock assessments and management of tuna and other large pelagic fisheries in the region.

This timely gathering is particularly significant given the immense economic importance of tunas and other large pelagic species, with tunas alone contributing an estimated annual value of trade of US$41 billion (in 2018). The international scope of these species necessitates collaborative efforts for improved management and conservation, as overfishing by multinational fisheries poses a significant threat to their sustainability.

The outcomes of the WPDCS19 will be channeled into the upcoming main Scientific Committee meeting of the IOTC, scheduled for December 4-8, 2023, at the same venue. The Scientific Committee meeting will consider the recommendations of the WPDCS19 and various other working parties to formulate scientific recommendations relating to the sustainable management of tuna and tuna-like species in the Indian Ocean.

The 19th WPDCS19 underscores the IOTC’s commitment to fostering international cooperation and scientific expertise to ensure the long-term sustainability of tuna and other large pelagic fisheries in the Indian Ocean region.