Indian Poet-Diplomat Abhay Kumar Unveils “Monsoon: A Poem of Love and Longing” in Delhi

Indian Poet-Diplomat Abhay Kumar Unveils "Monsoon: A Poem of Love and Longing" in Delhi
Indian Poet-Diplomat Abhay Kumar Unveils "Monsoon: A Poem of Love and Longing" in Delhi

Indian poet and diplomat Abhay Kumar, also known as Abhay K, who holds the position of Deputy Director General at the Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR), unveiled his latest literary creation, “Monsoon: A Poem of Love and Longing.” The book launch took place at the Kathika Culture Centre located in Old Delhi, Delhi. This new offering is a book-length poem that stretches across 150 four-line stanzas, tracing the remarkable journey of the monsoon from its origin in Madagascar to its embrace by the Himalayas in Srinagar, and ultimately, its return to Madagascar.

Published by Sahitya Akademi, the release of “Monsoon: A Poem of Love and Longing” coincided with the 68th anniversary celebration of the institution, which took place on the 13th of March, 2022. The work stands as a poetic testament that unites the themes of love and longing with the grandeur of nature’s seasonal dance. The poet, who is also recognized for his translation of Kalidasa’s Meghaduta into English, brings forth a profound connection between topography and emotion in his writing.

Within the preface of the book, Abhay K delves into the inspiration behind weaving a love poem that weaves the threads of India and Madagascar together. His commitment to exploring topographical themes resonates throughout his oeuvre, marking a distinctive element of his poetic expression.

Looking ahead, Abhay Kumar’s upcoming literary endeavor, titled “Celestial” and to be published by Mapin India, invites readers on a poetic journey through 100 rhyming couplets. The content of “Celestial” delves into the intricate tapestry of the 88-star constellations that grace the skies visible from Earth. Enriching this cosmic exploration, the book features the illustrative contributions of 10th-century Persian astronomer Al Rahman Al Sufi, adding a visual dimension to the written word.

Furthermore, it has been announced that Penguin Random House is gearing up to publish Abhay K’s translation of “Phool Bahadur,” the inaugural Magahi novel authored by Jayanath Pati. Set to be released in January 2024, this translation endeavor continues to underscore Abhay K’s dedication to literary enrichment and cultural bridging.