In a momentous development for India’s energy landscape, Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared the successful attainment of maximum operational capacity at the Kakrapar Nuclear Power Plant in Gujarat, boasting 700 MW of electricity generation. This milestone not only underscores India’s resolute dedication to energy self-sufficiency but also exemplifies its prowess in harnessing indigenous nuclear technology.
Initially commencing commercial operations on June 30, 2023, the Kakrapar Atomic Power Project (KAPP) initially operated at 90 percent capacity. However, on August 31, 2023, it finally realized its full operational potential, marking a historic achievement.
The Kakrapar Nuclear Power Plant serves as a testament to India’s capability to independently develop and manage nuclear power facilities. Leading this endeavor is the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL).
NPCIL, under the leadership of Chairman & MD B. C. Pathak, has overseen the construction of two 700 MW pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWRs) in Kakrapar, Gujarat. This augmentation of the existing two 220 MW power plants significantly bolsters India’s nuclear power generation capacity.
Currently operating 23 commercial nuclear power reactors nationwide, NPCIL has ambitious plans to construct a total of 16 additional 700 MW PHWRs at various locations across India. With financial and administrative approvals in place, India’s commitment to expanding its nuclear power capacity is unmistakable.