International Expedition Discovers 160 New Species in Salas y Gómez Ridge

International Expedition Discovers 160 New Species in Salas y Gómez Ridge

An international team of scientists recently made a significant discovery during an expedition across the Salas y Gómez Ridge, uncovering a diverse array of marine species.

Discovery of Species

  • Exploration Scope: The scientists explored 10 seamounts and two islands along the 2,900-kilometer-long ocean ridge.
  • Number of Species: A total of 160 species were discovered during the expedition.
  • New Species: Approximately 50 of these species are suspected to be new to science.
  • Diverse Species: Among the findings were squid, fish, corals, mollusks, sea stars, glass sponges, sea urchins, crabs, and squat lobsters.

Record-Breaking Observation

  • Deepest Photosynthesis-Dependent Animal: The expedition potentially set a record by sighting the deepest-known photosynthesis-dependent animal, Leptoseris, also known as the wrinkle coral.

Implications for Conservation

  • Ecosystem Diversity: Distinct ecosystems were observed on individual seamounts, emphasizing the importance of protecting the entire ridge.
  • Call for Protection: Chief scientist Erin E Easton emphasized the need for establishing new marine protected areas, including on the high seas of the Salas y Gómez Ridge.
  • Global Significance: The ridge supports the migration of various marine animals and is vital for maintaining biodiversity.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers:

  1. How many species did the international team of scientists discover during their expedition across the Salas y Gómez Ridge?
    • A) 100
    • B) 160
    • C) 200
    • D) 50
    • Answer: B) 160
  2. Approximately how many of the discovered species are suspected to be new to science?
    • A) 20
    • B) 30
    • C) 40
    • D) 50
    • Answer: D) 50
  3. Which of the following is not among the species discovered during the expedition?
    • A) Squid
    • B) Fish
    • C) Birds
    • D) Sea urchins
    • Answer: C) Birds
  4. What potentially record-breaking observation did the scientists make during the expedition?
    • A) Deepest-known whale sighting
    • B) Deepest-known photosynthesis-dependent animal sighting
    • C) Largest coral reef discovery
    • D) Largest population of sea turtles observed
    • Answer: B) Deepest-known photosynthesis-dependent animal sighting
  5. What was the emphasis of chief scientist Erin E Easton regarding the importance of protecting the Salas y Gómez Ridge?
    • A) Protecting individual seamounts
    • B) Establishing marine protected areas only on islands
    • C) Protecting the entire ridge
    • D) Focusing on protecting high-traffic marine routes
    • Answer: C) Protecting the entire ridge