Israel Deploys C-Dome Naval Defense System Against Suspicious Target

Israel Deploys C-Dome Naval Defense System Against Suspicious Target

Israel recently deployed its ship-mounted defense system, known as C-Dome, against a suspicious target that entered the country’s airspace near the city of Eilat.

Deployment of C-Dome

  • The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) utilized the C-Dome for the first time against the suspicious aerial target.
  • The deployment occurred in response to an alert raised in the area of Eilat.

Nature of the Target

  • The target was identified as suspicious and crossed into Israeli territory, prompting the response from IDF Naval forces.
  • No confirmation was provided regarding the nature of the target, though speculations suggest it might have been a drone.

Successful Intercept

  • The C-Dome naval defense system successfully intercepted the suspicious target.
  • The interception prevented any injuries or damage from occurring.

C-Dome System

  • C-Dome is a naval version of the Iron Dome air defense system.
  • It is mounted on Sa’ar 6-class corvettes, which are German-made warships.
  • The system utilizes the same interceptor technology as the land-based Iron Dome.

Comparison with Iron Dome

  • Iron Dome, primarily used for defense against rocket attacks, operates on land.
  • It has been frequently employed to intercept rockets fired from the Gaza Strip.
  • Iron Dome incurs a cost of approximately $50,000 per launch.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):

  1. What is the name of Israel’s ship-mounted defense system deployed against a suspicious target near Eilat?
    • A) Iron Shield
    • B) C-Dome
    • C) Naval Guardian
    • D) Sky Sentinel
    • Answer: B) C-Dome
  2. Where did the suspicious target enter Israel’s airspace?
    • A) Tel Aviv
    • B) Haifa
    • C) Eilat
    • D) Jerusalem
    • Answer: C) Eilat
  3. What type of target prompted the deployment of the C-Dome system?
    • A) Ground-based missile
    • B) Aircraft
    • C) Drone
    • D) Submarine
    • Answer: C) Drone
  4. Which class of warships is the C-Dome system mounted on?
    • A) Sa’ar 6-class
    • B) Arleigh Burke-class
    • C) Type 45-class
    • D) Ticonderoga-class
    • Answer: A) Sa’ar 6-class
  5. What is the approximate cost per launch of the Iron Dome defense system?
    • A) $10,000
    • B) $25,000
    • C) $50,000
    • D) $100,000
    • Answer: C) $50,000